Vobble and the Jack O'Lantern
Zorro Gets Lost At the Fair
Zorro and the Frog
2016-07-10 (aired August 7, 2016)
The Expansion
Zorro's Time Machine
A Visit From a Talking Parrot
Santa Zorro Meets Scrooge
2015-12-06 (aired December 13, 2015)
Having Zorro For Breakfast
Vobble Plays Ball
The Tauntzlets Find Fossils
It's Hotter Than …
Sink 'o What??
Zorro as the Easter Bunny??
March Winds
Turn On Your Heartlight
Winter Fun With Vinky
The Owlbox Yule
The Thankful Box
2014/11/02 (aired 2014/11/30)
Tauntz and the Intruders
October 19, 2014 (aired November 2, 2014)
Zorro and the Teacher
How Much is That Doggie in the…
A Midsummer's Night Dream
The Summer Hummer Bummer
Hooo's a Storyteller?
Pelicans to the Rescue
Woodrow's on TV
St. Ovaltine's Day