The tauntzlets were dancing around the VacaYard. It was finally warm and
sunny and dry. Elmer, the youngest of the current litter was singing as
he danced. "Spring has sprung! The grass has riz! I wonder where The flowers is!" Tauntz made a move to go and correct young Elmer's grammar, but Mrs. Tauntz held him back. "It's almost spring, dear," she said. "Let's give the children a little leeway so they can run off some of their exuberance and energy. Just think how well they'll sleep tonight." Tauntz stopped in his tracks. "They'll sleep well and soundly, won't they?" he asked. Then he winked and grinned and said, "Let them run all they want! You and I can have some time alone!" Then he thought again, "Wait, how many kids do we have now?" Mrs. Tauntz grinned and said, "No worries, dear. We've only got 368 children, most of them grown. We're nowhere near the number of children common in our families." Tauntz grinned. "Well, tonight we'll make up for lost time." He turned to the children and hollered, "Run, kids, run! Run like the wind." A few days later, after two days of cold rain storms, the tauntzlets were restless, Tauntz was irritable, and emotions were flying high. Elmer said, "Daddy? … "A couple days ago,, Momma said you had 368 children and then you said you were going to make up for lost time. What did you mean? Where did you get all those kids?" Tauntz stuttered and hopped about the room, thinking that he had 368 kids and not ONE of them had asked this question before! "Daddy? Don't you know the answer?" questioned Elmer. "Well, of course I do son, you see, it's just, well, you know when, I love your Momma…" "Look!" cried Elmer, "the Sun is Out again! Come on Eloise, Elvis, Eli, Ervin!" Elmer called to his siblings. "Let's go outside and play!" Tauntz breathed a sigh of relief and then… they ran and hopped and played lots of bunny rabbit games. Vinky and Vobble joined in on the fun. Elmer went over to Vobble, looked him in the eye and asked , "how many children do you have?" Vobble answered quickly, "Why none, of course. I'm still just an owlet. And I won't have any children." Elmer's eyes grew wide. "You won't? Well why not?" Vobble chuckled and answered, "because I'll have OWLETS". He patted Elmer on the back and said, "I'm hungry. How about you?" Elmer grinned and said, "I'm a growing bunny. I'm ALWAYS hungry! What you got to eat?" Vobble said, "Well, it's too early to hunt so let's call CC's." CC told them she had some new foods for them to try out. Soon she arrived with platters of Springtime Salad, Sunflower Cookies, Rainbow Cake and Rainbow Sherbet. Soon the only thing you could hear was the sound of bunnies and owlets munching. After munching on spring snacks Elmer, Eloise, Elvis, Eli and Ervin headed home for their Saturday night bath and to get ready for bed. Elmer was tired, but he had a hard time getting to sleep. He had met a cute young bunnyette and he could not get her off his mind. Just as he was dozing off, a loud knock jumped him out of bed. He heard his dad say hello to a rather large and mean looking Mr. Rabbit. Mr Rabbit said, "What was your son doing with my daughter?" Elmer raced out of his room, looked at the large Mr. Rabbit and said, "Wait a minute, mister. I never even kissed her."… Mr Rabbit hollered at Elmer, "Come back, son. I was just playing. Don't you understand that's what we rabbits do?" Elmer came back and said, "Sir, she is the prettiest rabbit you got and some day we gonna get marrried." "Whoa," said Mr Rabbit, "slow down son. First you gotta grow up and play hard and get to know one another. See what she likes … like flowers and stuff." "I already know what she likes — carrots and cucumbers and … and … ME! I wanna take her to the hop. Would that be OK? I promise I'll only kiss her once or twice … if she wants me to, of course." Mr. Rabbit said, "OK, but you have her home at a decent hour. NO ALL NIGHTER." Elmer replied, "No problem. I can't stay up all night, anyway. And thanks, I repect you and your daughter, Rose. Goodnight and thanks again." Elmer scurried off singing about Peter Cotton Tail going down the bunny trail. "Now to what I really came for," said Mr. Rabbit to Tauntz and Mrs. Tauntz. As you know, I live near a big, beautiful meadow, and I was thinking that it would be great to have a Spring Picnic there. It's big enough that we can invite all our rabbit friends and all our other friends as well. What do you say?" Tauntz and Mrs. Tauntz were delighted with the idea, and the Tauntzlets (who were all supposed to be asleep) yelled "Hurray!" from their beds. Mr. Rabbit went on home then, and Tauntz and Mrs. Tauntz started making a list of who to invite. "Let's see, there's… "Annie and Aaron and their kids, Arthur, Asher, Abbie and then Arnold and Bettina and their 6 kids..." Tauntz began the long list of their children and grandchildren and great grandchildren, but soon Tauntz and Mrs. Taunntz were getting tired and their feet were tired from writing all the names, "I have an idea," said Mrs. Tauntz. "Let's get the kids working on some banners and signs…then they can hop them all over Vacaville later today. This way only our relatives who see the sign will come, I don't think the meadow is large enough to hold everyone we know!" Mrs. Tauntz said with a smile. "Great idea!" exclaimed Tauntz. "And the activity will make for another good night's rest for the kids and more special time for us!" he said wiggling his nose. "Oh Tauntz!" said Mrs. T playfully and gave him a push as she went to get the craft paper for the project! So the banners were hopped from one end of Vacaville to the other, every bunny and his brother RSVP'd with a yes! Of course all the rabbits in Vacaville were related. The big day arrived, it was sunny and warm, a great day for bunnies to run and hop and play rabbit games. More and more and more and more rabbits arrived. The lovely meadow was so full of rabbits that… the meadow looked like a giant fluffy cloud. Soon they began to attract attention. Other critters started to join them. Then TV and newspaper reporters showed up. Tauntz turned to his wife and said, "We need to make sure this party ends before dark or we'll be easy targets for the owls in the neighborhood." All the little rabbits were bummed out to think that the party had to end. They were having sooooooo much fun. "We are very sorry kids, but after…" Mr. an Mrs. Tauntz were interrupted by the large roar of a '57 Chevy. Out jumped Zorro and the Dude. They had a trailer full of lights and lots of "scare-owls" and scare-hawks and a couple of scarecrows for good measure. Zorro and the Dude hustled about to put up the lights and surround the meadow with the scary looking critters. Tauntz said, "Thanks Zorro and, Dude, you are the best." "No problem," said Zorro, "we are… a good team. Maybe we could do this more often. Now for all the clean up…argh!" Just then CC showed up with drinks and goodies and to help with the clean up. As they started, they saw owls already starting to circle the area. Dude said, "Not to worrry. We have it under control." Then all of a sudden… one of the owls dived down to the ground and landed in the midst of all the assembled rabbits! They started to scatter, but the the owl called "Wait, it's just me, Vobble!" "We saw your huge gathering here, and could see that you were having a lot of vun. So we've decided to have an even bigger party for May Day! You're all invited, and we'll have all our other vriends come too. It'll be a day of inter-natural friendship! It'll be soooo much vun! "So don't forget - May 1st. We'll let you know where it will be." The rabbits all cheered at Vobble's announcement. Then they began to party once again. Just as the sun was peeking over the horizon, they began drifting towards their respective homes. The tauntzlets were exhausted. They all tumbled in their beds, ready to sleep all through the day and the night. But… "Oh, Tauntzie!" Mrs. Tauntz called enticingly from the bedroom. "After the party I started going over the hundreds of pages of the guest register and realized that there were many great-, great-great, and great-great-great-grandchildren that I had not recorded in the family record yet. You're going to have to get me some more family record books. I've almost filled up volume 92 and am about ready to start writing in volume 93. But, until then, how's about we get started seeing what we can do to fill up volumes 94 through 97?" The End |
Today's Writers (in order of appearance) | ||
amb15229 DotRot Sharoot ChatterChopz Mr. Sharoot (Mike) TheDaddyBird BugGirl |