Zorro and
Zorrina were taking a stroll in the afternoon sun. Suddenly, Zorro
stopped and walked the fence beside the sidewalk. He stood there
watching the action inside the fence. After a minute or so, Zorrina
swung her purse at his head.
"Zorro!" she hissed. "I'm right here! I can't believe you're gonna stand
there and stare at that pretty lady with me right here by your side!"
Zorro was startled but recovered quickly. "Zorrina, my sweet cheeseling,
I wasn't watching HER. I was watching all the children at play. She just
happened to be playing with them. I've often wondered what it must be
like to attend school and have recess and lessons and homework and
science projects and lunch break and all that other fun stuff. As you
know, when I was just a youngster, I was cruelly ripped from the bosom
of my loving family, destined to become a meal for a some greedy little
owlets. I DID manage to escape, but I've had to learn everything on my
own. I had no one to teach me. It's been a hard life, Zorrina."
Zorrina laughed. "A hard life?? HARD?? You're living here in the lap of
luxury with all you can eat and no one to chase you or bother you.
You've got tons of friends and all the entertainment you could ever
want. What's HARD about that?"
Zorro shrugged, "Okay, so maybe it's not so hard NOW, but it WAS for a
little while. I'd still like to find out what school is all about. I'm
going to go ask that teacher lady if she'd let me visit her class for a
Zorro climbed through a hole in the fence and sauntered over to the
teacher. Once she got over the shock of a talking mouse, she said, …
"Hmm, this is a little unusual. Where are you parents?"
Zorro's shoulder's slumped when the teacher, Ms. Quarkwords, was not as
keen to the idea of him joining her class as he was.
Zorro was about to turn around and leave the playground when Ms.
Quarkwodrs asked, "Where is the person who takes care of you? I need to
have some basic information about you before you can be in the
Zorro's whole being brightened up and he explained to the teacher where
he lived, who he lived with, etc.
"Well, all fine and good young Man err Mouse but we need a consent form
and a list of innoculations!"
"Bbbb bbbb but
I don't know bout noculaters and con sents," mumbled Zorro looking down
and skeered to be rejected.
"Well, let me take you to the school Nurse after our recess is over,"
she said.
Zorro was happy. "This teacher is super nice," he thought. But when he
arrived at the nurse's office and saw the syringe his mouth opened wide
and he…
Poor Zorro screamed like a little girl, even louder than Zorrina ever
would. "Nooooo!" Zorro cried.
"Oh this won't hurt a bit" the nurse said gruffly." Now just bend over,
it will take only a second."
With that, Zorro turned quickly around, but not for the shot. In fact,
he was off like a shot, right out of that nurses office and across the
playground, through the hole in the fence, and almost knocked Zorinna
"So, how was school?" Zorrina asked, thinking that Zorro wasn't looking
so good.
"I'm not sure that was the right school for me," Zorro huffed and
puffed, still out of breath from his escape. He hadn't run that fast
since his escape from McGee.
He took Zorrina's hand, and they headed back to the Dude's, when all of
a sudden…
he began running. He hollered back to Zorrina, "I've got an idea."
He ran to the Dude and said, "Dude, I need your help. I need a paper
that says I've had my shots even if I haven't really and I need a bunch
of teacher treats. Help me make some Crayon Cookies and some Pretzel
Pencils and some Candy Apples and some Caramel Apples and…
"Whoa!" said the dude. "Slow down. Let's start with this paper. Why do
you need shots?"
Zorro told him about wanting to go to school and the shots and the
needle and how he needed to make the treats so the teacher would like
him best and how he needed them by tomorrow.
The Dude laughed. "I'll take care of the paper. You call CC for the
treats. We'll get you in that school somehow.
Zorro called CC. Then he hollered, "YES! I'm going to school!"
Zorrina said, "Don't get too excited, Zorro. We have to make sure the
Dude get all these obstacles taken care of. Maybe Dude can convince the
teacher that mice don't need immunizations like the two-leggers do. And
maybe CC will make some yummy snacks to bring to school so Teacher will
forget about the shots thing! If all else fails, we can claim religious
exemption, don't believe in vaccines. But then they might make us do
home-schooling! Anyhow, let's see what Dude will come up with!"
Then the Dude…
called the school, talked with Ms. Quarkword. "Zorro so wants to learn,
he could sit in the back of the room so he won't distract the kids. He
can read and write. He just needs to learn more."
The teacher agreed on a few days trial. The Dude went on to say, "Zorro
really wants to experience school lunch and recess."
The teacher frowned, but agreed.
So Zorro started preparing for his first day. He had treats, pencil,
paper, chewing gum, a ruler. He was set.
Zorrina made him a bag lunch, got his nice clothes out then…
Since it was already Friday afternoon, they agreed that Zorro would
start on Monday, which would give him the weekend to get the rest of his
school supplies together.
The list the teacher gave him was very long, and Zorro worried about how
he would carry them all, and if he could find all of them in his size.
The Dude promised to take him shopping and help him with substitutes or
modifications of things they couldn't find small enough.
Zorro felt a lot better about things then, and he hurried off to tell
his friends Vinky and Vobble about his big news.
They were astonished, but right away they wanted to go to school too.
And they flew off to tell their friends, who told their friends, and
Zorro told more of his friends, and soon there was a whole crowd of
animals that all wanted to go to school! So…
the next thing you know the group of animals were outside Dude and Mrs.
Dude's home excitedly discussing their school adventure on Monday.
Dude realized that this was going to be an issue for Ms. Quarkword and
the school. So, he went inside his house and called Ms. Quarkword to
discuss the situation.
"How will we handle this situation without causing hurt feelings?" said
Dude to the teacher.
"Well, Ms. Quarkword said, we could demand that all of them will need
proper paper work filled out and received the required shots. That would
give us some time to come up with another plan. Hmm, I wonder if there
is a place where animals could attend to learn things without it being
in a two legged school."
Ms. Quarkword ended the conversation to the Dude saying, "Let's think
about it and get back to each other Sunday morning."
Late Sunday morning the phone rang at the Dude's. "Yes, I see, ok, yes,
well, yes ok...I'll tell them," said the Dude and he hung up.
The Dude went out to the yard and looked for his little friends. It
didn't take long as he heard some loud munching in the corner by the
When he peered over he saw Zorro, cheezy crumbs about his mouth, setting
up tiny tables and the Dudette's refrigerator black board at the head of
"Hey Dude" chirped Zorro. "We all got together and asked Mrs. Quarkword
to teach us here and she said she would send her teacher's aide too."
Dude went back happy not to have to be the one to tell them that school
would be on the premises. With that he went to his garage and tapped
tapped tapped a wooden sign with a rope that read "Premises School" and
in small letters "We Promise to Make It Happen." When he was done he
went out to hang the sign when who showed up? Yup. You guessed it. It
Well, it was none other than Ms Quarkwords, and her aide Miss
Quirkyworks. They loved the sign that the Dude made, and said they were
ready to begin.
Zorro, Vinky and Vobble sat right up front, with little Zale and Velvet
right behind them. Rocky, and Kyle were there too, and the tauntzlets
crowded into the small area along with all of Zorro's other friends.
Zorro saved a spot right next to him for Zorrina, but she hadn't arrived
yet, and class was about to begin.
Just then, Zorrina arrived, just in the "snick" of time. First was
spelling, then language, social studies, math, and then.... it was time
for lunch!
They all pulled out their bag lunches and started eating. After they ate
it was time for gym and reading and science. Soon the day was over. All
of Zorro's frinds said one day was enough for them, but Zorro wantd
more. He asked the teacher if he could try the real school for a little
while so he could have school lunches and recess and homework and more
recess and snacks and science projects and everything else.
She said, "Okay. You can come for a few days. Maybe the children will
learn about mice, too."
On Zorro's first day, when it was time for lunch, he looked at his
plate. He said, "What is THIS?"
The kids said, "It's mystery meat and green soup and mushy veggies and
some kind of pie thingy."
After lunch, Zorro raised his hand and said, "Is it okay if I ask my
friend CC to make lunch for all of us while I'm here?"
The teacher thought this might be fun. So the next day, CC showed up
with HER kind of Mystery Meat, some Pea Soup with Sour Cream designs on
top, a great mixture of Stir Fried Veggies and a Mock Apple Crisp with
ICE CREAM on top.
The fabulous lunch from CC delighted all the students!
Ms. Quarkword asked Zorro if he could arrange for CC to cater lunches at
the school a couple days a week.
Zorro said "I bet I could get that done. CC LOVES to feed
people—Critters and 2-leggers alike."
With that, the whole class cleaned up their lunch leavings and moved on
to their next subject of…
social studies. The teacher started with US History when Zorro stopped
her. "I've been nearly everywhere."
Ms Quarkword told Zorro he needed to LEARN more, not just the fun stuff.
Zorro, exclaimed, "But, but, …," then Zorrina came in and…
went up to Ms Quarkword. She spoke quietly to the teacher for a bit, and
then Ms Quarkword turned to the class and said that Zorrina had really
enjoyed the day of school with the animals and would like to join the
people school class like Zorro.
Ms Quarkword said, "Very well," and directed her to a seat on the other
side of the room from Zorro, to be sure they didn't distract each other.
After school a number of the human children cam up to Zorro and Zorrina
and said how much they enjoyed having them in their class. One asked
them over to play at his house, and another invited them to her birthday
party the following Saturday.
The two mice headed for home feeling really good about going to school,
but suddenly Zorro thought of something that hadn't occurred to him
before. What if…?
the children's parents didn't like mice? What would they do?
Ms. Quarkword assured him that she would send a note home with each
child telling all about him so there should be no problems.
Later that night, Zorro sat in the Dude's kitchen. He had the Dude's and
Dudette's rapt attention as he told them all about his and Zorrina's
adventures at school. He said, "Once we got that food situation
straightened out and once I taught a few young miscreants that tails are
not whips or jump ropes or yo-yo strings, it was an altogether wonderful
My social calendar is quite full for the upcoming weeks with birthday
parties and sleepovers and trips to the zoo and picnics. I turned out to
be quite popular.
"I even got to do science experiment and demonstration. I showed the
children how a young mouse can leap from a great height to avoid being
dinner and still survive. I had to convince them that my ears are not
like Dumbo's and that I cannot fly. I was going to have one of the
children demonstrate, but Ms. Quarkword wouldn't allow it. She said,
'We'll just take your word for it, Zorro.'
I tried to tell them all about you and the owlets and Kyle and Tauntz
and Rocky and Horace and Velvet and all adventures we've had and about
the steampunk rocket and all the other stuff. The kids loved the
stories, but Ms. Quarkword said I needed to learn to tell the difference
be fantasy and reality. I'm not sure what she meant by that. I know very
well what fantasy is. But anyway, even though I won't be attending
school any longer, I've been invited to come back once in a while to
share some stories with the children. I think it will be fun. I'm just
worried about material. I need a source. Where am I ever going to come
up with new stories?"
The End