Santa Zorro Meets Scrooge
(aired on 2015/12/13)
"Ho Ho Ho," Zorro squeaked. "Darn it! That's not right. I need a deeper
voice." "HO HO HO," he tried again. "Well, that's better, but still not Santa-y enough. I'm never gonna get this right and Zorrina is gonna be all pouty about it. Let me think. There's got to be a way to sound more like the old bearded dude." Just then, Kyle popped up. "Hey, Zorro, dude. What's up, doc?" Zorro groaned. "My voice is what's up! I need a big, deep, booming Santa-y voice and I just don't have it. I SQUEAK! I don't BOOM!" Kyle laughed. "How come you want to sound all Santa-y? You're not Santa." Zorro groaned again. "Awww, it's a big mess. Zorrina caught me in a moment of passion when I would have agreed to anything and told me that the folks at the Mouse Lodge needed somone to play Santa at the annual party for the little mouslings and she thought I would be perfect because I'm kinda Santa shaped and because I was kinda caught up in the moment and obviously not thinking cleary, I agreed to do it. But, not matter how hard I try, I just can't sound Santa-y!" Kyle laughed again. "There you go, Zorro. Letting your emotions and hormones control your brain instead of the other way around. What you need to do is to think yourself into it. Think Santa thoughts and put some authority into it. Think of yourself as the dude in the red suit who rules an entire season of the year and you'll start to sound like him." Zorro looked at Kyle quizzically and said, "Have you actually looked at Zorrina? Of course my emotions and hormones are in charge when I'm around her!" Kyle thought for a bit and then said, "Well, you could try something else. Maybe you could . . . . Nah, you'd never pull that off. Maybe . . . . Nope, that wouldn't work either. Let me think on this for a bit. Good luck." Zorro sighed. Just then, there was a tap at the window. Zorro looked up and gasped. There was a stange wrinkled face framed in the window. Zorro screeched, "An ALIEN!!!!!" The face's mouth moved but Zorro couldn't hear anything. The thing tapped on the window again. Zorro opened the window a couple of inches and heard the thing say, "I'm not an alien, I'm Scrooge and I think I can help you. Let me in." Zorro thought for a minute about how the Scrooge was supposedly reformed and all and thought it couldn't hurt to hear him out, so he … opened the door and let Scrooge in. He wasn't 100% sure that Scrooge was so reformed but he said he would listen. Scrooge came in and sat down. He had an idea. He asked Zorro if he had his Santa costume organized and ready to wear. Zorro said he was almost done, but his Zorrina was on the last few finishing touches. "What does that have to do with the problems I'm having sounding Santa-y?" Well, Scrooge said he thought quite possibly if he would put on the costume, belly, beard and all, he might more get into it. He said he had heard from many of his stage friends that putting on a costume sometimes helps you "get into character." Zorro went looking for his better half and asked her how much longer she had to work on the costume. She told him that … she was almost done. She said, "Don't let that Scrooge dude leave until I get there. I want to meet him." Zorro turned to Scrooge and said, "My Zorrina would like to meet you. Can you stay for some refreshment?" Scrooge said, "I'd be happy to meet your love. And some snacks would be nice." Zorro left and came back with some of his own special cheesecake made with Gorgonzola and Limburger cheese. Scrooge took a small taste and … rolled his eyes and said, "It tastes better than it smells. May I have another?" Zorro gladly handed him more. Just then Zorrina came in with a grimace on her face. Zorrina said, "Don't you boys eat it all." Zorro laughed and said… that there was still some left. Then Zorro asked if his costume was ready yet. Zorrina said, "Yes!" and pulled it out from behind her back. There was a short moment as silence as Zorro and Scrooge looked at the costume. Then Zorro said, "It's beautiful, my love, and who but you would have thought to add such original, er, special touches!" "Aren't they nice?" Zorrina said. "I thought padded shoulders for a more muscular look would be flattering, And the plunging neckline and fringe around the bottom of the jacket would dress it up a bit." Zorro was looking a bit green, as he hoped he could find his beard from last year, and that it was a bit longer than he remembered it being. Scrooge had been uncharacteristically silent and still didn't seem to have anything to say. Zorro thought fleetingly that the little mouselings were going to have an interesting Christmas this year. Then he said… to Zorrina that he wanted to try on the Santa suit. He was a little worried about the changes Zorrina had made to the costume, but he tried it on anyway. He squeaked and squeezed into the outfit, turned around to look at himself in the mirror. Although it was a rather unconventional costume, he thought it just might work. He closed his eyes, gave himself a moment of silent contemplation, opened his eyes and began to speak and what do you know, out came a big, booming Santa-y voice. He said, "HO HO HO!" and the windows rattled. Scrooge laughed and said, "Zorro! You're Santa!" Zorro chuckled and said, "Yeah, that voice even surprised me. I didn't know I had it in me." Zorrina hugged Zorro and said, "Oh, Zorrikins! I just KNEW you would make a wonderful Santa. The mouselings are going to be so thrilled." Just then Scrooge said, "You're great! Maybe I could be an elf and help you out." Zorrina chuckled and said, "One X-tra Large elf costume coming up." Zorro sat back down and started munching and practicing his ho ho ho when Kyle stuck his head in and said, "Hi Zorro, what are you dressed up for?" "Oh, remember? Zorrina talked me into being Santa for the mouslings at the Mouse Lodge's Christmas party. She even made this costume for me." "Yep, that explains a lot," said Kyle. carefully not smiling. "I know, Kyle, you can come too, and you can be my helper! You can… entertain everyone with your stand-up comedy!" The day of the big party arrived. When Zorro and his crew arrived at the lodge, they found dozens of mouseling running around. They also found a large red, velvet bag, just about bursting with dozens and dozens of wrapped gifts. "Oh, look!" Zorrina squealed. "Someone got gifts for all the children! I had wanted to do that, but the lodge budget just wouldn't allow it. Mr. Scrooge, did you do this?" Scrooge was startled and shook his head, "My dear, I wish I had only been so thoughtful. I didnt' even think of it and I should have. I'm just glad that someone stepped up when I failed." Zorrina called to all the mouselings and had them gather around. One by one, Zorro called their names and presented each of them with several special gifts. There were dolls and trucks and games and puzzles and books and scooters and bikes and skateboards and balls and just about every other kind of child's gift you could imagine. After a while, the children were worn out and on their way home. All that remained in the lodge were Zorro, Zorrina and Scrooge. Zorro looked in his bag of gifts and saw he had a couple of gifts remaining. He pulled them out. The first had Zorrina's name on it. The tag said it was from Santa. He handed the gift to Zorrina and she said, "Oh Zorrikins, you got ME a gift?" Zorro looked puzzled and said, "Well, I did, but this isn't the one. I'm saving that gift for Christmas day. This one says it's from Santa." One of the mouselings who had hidden in the corner to see what would happen when Santa wasn't looking looked at him and said, "Well, duh, Dude. You're Santa, so of course that gift is from you!" Zorro just shrugged and looked sheepish. "I guess you're right, Zomo. I must have forgotten about this gift." Then he turned to Zorrina and whispered, "Honest, this one's NOT from ME!" He pulled out the last gift and saw that the tag read, "To Scrooge, From Santa." He handed the gift to Scrooge and said, "This one's for you. I don't know how we pulled this off, but I couldn't have done it without your encouragement. I just wish I had thought to get you a gift, but someone did think of it. So, thank you." Scrooge grinned and said, "You know, ever since my 'great transformation', I've given numerous gifts, but I seldom receive one. I wonder what this could be." Zorro laughed and said, "Well, I know one easy way to find out. OPEN IT!" Scrooge tore off the paper and found a gift certificate to Elves R Us attached to another wrapped gift. He opened that one and found a beautifully carved wooden frame containing a portrait of him and Zorro in their costumes. A tear formed in his eye. He said, "Zorro, I'm touched. When I return to my home, I will treasure the memories of this day. This portrait will help me to bring the wonderful memories to mind. Thank you, my new dear friend." Zorro said, questioningly, "You're welcome, I guess. I just wish I had actually had something to do with it." The End |
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