Zorro's Time Machine



  "AAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHH! What have I done??? Go back!! Get it back!"

Zorro was visibly upset and VERY loud. Tauntz, Kyle and Rocky came running.

"Zorro, my man," said Rocky. What's all the caterwauling about?"

"Yeah, man," said Kyle. "I think they heard you all the way downtown."

"Oh, it's nothing much," Zorro said. "Just the end of my world, that's all."

"Awww, Zorro," said Tauntz. "It can't be THAT bad."

"Oh, it's bad alright. REALLY bad! You see, I met this cute little waitress named Melina down at CC's and flirted with her a bit. She slipped me her phone number and email. After I got home, I thought it might be fun to send her a fun little email. I flirted in the email a little bit and hit 'SEND.' That's when my world ended. I sent the email to Zorrina, not Melina! I've got to find a way to 'UNSEND' it."

"Ooooh, man," said Kyle. "You are in TROOOOUUUUBBBBLLLLLE!!!! I bet you wish you could go back in time, huh?"

"Kyle!!!! You're a genius!!! The Dude's been working on a time machine. All I've got to do is go back 5 minutes and put in the right email address and then jump back to the present and everything will be fine!"

"Oh, yeah," said Tauntz sarcastically. "Absolutely nothing could go wrong with that idea!"

Zorro turned to him and said . . .

"Easy peasy, simple science, you don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure this out." Zorro scratched his chin. "Or maybe you do... Hmm."

"Well, the Dude practically has it all figured out. And he'll need someone to test it, and that will be Moi! And the sooner the better!" Zorro headed to the Dude's office, but when he got there …

the Dude and the time machine were nowhere to be seen. Zorro hollered, "DUUUDE!!!"

The Dude came running.

Zorro said, "Dude, fire up that time machine. I need it NOW!"

The Dude said, "Zorro, it's not ready yet. I haven't tested it."

Zorro said, "I'll test it. Let's go."

The Dude said, "Not now. Mary and I have plans for dinner. I'm leaving now. Don't touch it while we're gone."

After the Dude left, Zorro thought, "What can it hurt?"

"All right guys," Zorro said. "I'm going in! Who's with me?"

Everyone else looked at each other and shook their heads. The time machine looked very shaky.

"Maybe you should wait until the Dude says it's safe," Kyle said. "I wouldn't go in that thing!"

"Fine then, I'll do it myself!" Zorro said. He came from a long line of explorers, he wasn't scared.

He climbed into the time machine and cautiously touched a few buttons to program it.

With a whoosh, Zorro and the time machine vanished into thin air! He landed with a thump.

Zorro took off his helmet and cautiously peeked out the window of the time machine.

Zorro wasn't hurt, but the time machine had taken quite a bump! It had landed in a patch of ferns. Suddenly, a pterodactyl flew overhead! "Uh oh," Zorro muttered. "Maybe this was a bad idea."

"Wait a minute," thought Zorro, "that's not a pterodactyl. It's McGee!"

"McGeeeeeeee! I'm in big trouble, here he comes! Let me see, I can't remember, did I jog to the left, or did I dive to the right? I think I must have. . . . Eeeeeeeeee!!!"

After a brief moment of unconsciousness Zorro found himself face to face with the infamous Molly.

"Okay, now just stay calm,thought Zorro, as his little heart beat out of his chest, I've escaped before. Now where is that escape hatch? Just then, Max stepped right in front of him and said …

"Can I come with you Zorro? I would love to travel the world."

Zorro jumped in surprise to see Max. He told Max he was going to be in big trouble if he was even lucky enough to find his way home, not to mention Molly and McGee putting the kibosh on any time travel for their little fella. Max begged and pleaded with Zorro, but no go. Zorro had to figure out where he was, how far back he went and then get to where he needed to be to fix his e-mail before Zorina read it!

Let's see, he thought. Molly and McGee. But Max here is way bigger than she was when I was here briefly before, 5 years and about 9 months .... and .....

Poof! Zorro looked around to see where - and when - he was now. Oh,dear! he didn't recognize anything now. He must be in the future! Frantic to figure out how to get back to his own time, he looked around desperately for any clue. Then he saw .....

"Wait a minute!" Thought Zorro, "this place looks a lot like . . . Zorrina's. RUT ROH"

Zorrina came into the room,"Zorro! I didn't hear you come in. You look a bit disheveled. Are you alright?"

"What day is this? " Zorro didn't know whether to be relieved or nervous. She didn't seem upset, so she Must not have seen the e-mail. ". Zorro wiped his brow in relief.

Then Zorrina went over to her computer and turned it on.

Zorro had to think fast. He had to keep her away from that email. He said, "Zorrinakins, my love. There is a "Back To The Future" marathon on TV tonight. How about I order some food from CC's and we snuggle and watch the movies?"

Zorrina turned from the computer and said, "Oh, Zorro, that would be wonderful."

Zorro called CC's and ordered and Old World Pizza, some Dinosaur Stew, some 100 Year Old Eggs, and some Cookie Clocks.

The food came. Zorro dished out some TV viddles and turned on the movie. He and Zorrina sat on the couch, nestled under the blanket and got deeply into Professor Brown and Marty McFly.

"This is so much fun," Zorrina said. "You are so mousely. I always feel good when you are around…"

Zorro thought triple fast. He had to think his way out of this somehow. Maybe if he acted like it had just been a typo… or maybe "Melina? I knew a Melina ages ago - her mother was a friend of my mother's. I haven't thought of her in, like, ages. How did you hear about her?"

Zorrina looked at him steadily and said, "I didn't."

"Wait, my mom called this morning and said her old friend called, and I guess that started me thinking about Melina. She was a pest. But how did you hear her name?"

Zorrina said slowly, "You sent me an email addressed to her."

Zorro gulped and said …

"Oh, that! Well, that's really an interesting story. Why don't you run in and freshen up a bit and when you get back I'll tell you the whole tale?"

While Zorrina was "freshening up," Zorro ran to her computer to check the date and time. It said today was TOMORROW. The email had already been sent. But how could he fix it? There was no answer but to go forward in time again, just a little bit. But how could make sure he get the time right this time?

He looked outside at the time machine. He thought about the buttons he had pushed. He was certain he'd entered the date correctly. He just had to find out. He ran out to the machine and pulled up the history. See! He'd done it right. It said, 03-21-2010. 2010???? It was supposed to be 2016!!!! And how did it get to 3-21? That was supposed to be 2-21!!! No wonder things got so messed up! Darn these fuzzy paws!

He quickly reprogrammed the date and time. But for now, he had to get back inside before Zorrina got suspicious. He ran in and settled on the couch. Zorrina came back and snuggled with him. He began telling her a long and confusing tale. Soon she was asleep and snoring gently. He tucked a blanket around her and quitely snuck out the door.

He hopped in the time machine and hit the button. With a whoosh he was on his way again. He watched out the window and saw history flying past. He saw dinosaurs and then the Egyptian pyramids under construction. He saw the Titanic and the Hindenburg. None of these things were terribly comforting. But then, he saw things that were much more familiar. There was the owl box and then he saw the scenes from his escape and trip north to Vacaville. There was Vinky and Vobble's owl box and Tauntz's burrow and Kyle's carrot patch. And finally…there was the Dude's office. And there was Zorro sitting at the desk typing away.

WHAT??? TWO Zorros?? OH NO!! He thought fast, snuck up under the window of the office and whispered, "Zorro, check the email address before you send it."

He heard his other self gasp. He heard some furious typing and then a huge sigh of relief. He knew his work here was done. He rushed back to the machine, set the time for 5 minutes into the future and hit the button.

He heard a Whoosh and felt a jolt that knocked him out. He woke up to find himself on the floor of the Dude's office. The Dude was standing over him. He said, "Zorro, what have you been up to?"

Zorro looked at the Dude and said, "Nothing much Dude, just trying to juggle two women, fix the internet and rewrite the history of the world."

The Dude laughed and said, "Zorro, when you make up stories, you sure make up some doozies! I was just sure I'd come home to find you'd tried to use the time machine and really screwed up our world (or you). I'm so glad you listened to me for once."

The End
  Today's Writers (in order of appearance)  
Mr. Sharoot (Mike)