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October 16, 2016

There was no newsletter on October 9. VacaDude was traveling most of that day

and did a broadcast that evening. He had no time to write his NOTEZ for the

newsletter. Sorry.



  Broadcast Schedule    Channel Links    Important News   




Today!!! Sunday, October 16, 2016
No Story Writing!
We'll write again on November 6.
No VacaChat Broadcast.
The chatroom will be open at 6:00 PM PST (9:00 PM EST; 8:00 PM CST) 
Upcoming!!! Sunday, October 23, 2016
No Story Writing!
We'll write again on November 6.
No VacaChat Broadcast.
The chatroom will be open at 6:00 PM PST (9:00 PM EST; 8:00 PM CST) 

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Channel Links
The pop-out chat link no longer uses the old style chat. However, it is still a nice way to save on memory and be able to refresh without losing both chat and video.

The easiest way to do this is to open the pop-out chat in a browser window. Log in. (Type a period in the chat line—hit enter. This will open the login screen.) Size this chat window to equal about 1/3 of your desktop space.

Then open a new window or tab (Ctrl-T or Ctrl-N in most browsers) and use it to open the pop-out video. If you opened a new tab, you can then click on the tab and drag it to an open space on your desktop. Size it to about 2/3 of your desktop space beside the chat.

Now you have both open and can refresh one without disturbing the other. You can resize either without resizing the other.

I hope this helps.
If you want to view the chat or video in pop-out screens, use the links below. Some find that this places less stress on their computer and/or its memory.




If you use the pop-out links, it is recommended that you open two browser windows. That way, if one needs to be refreshed, the other is not affected.


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Our Furred, Feathered, and Scaled Babies
We will soon have a new feature on the VacaNews website. Send us pictures of you and your pets. We'll have a page featuring all our animal family members. Send them to Make sure you include your chat name and your pet's name. You can also include your real name and location if you want to.

I've only gotten photos from a few people. (The new page will be posted soon—just waiting on some graphics from TheDude.) Surely more chatters have pets that they'd like to show to the world!

MODs Foundation

The 5th Anniversary International MOD Meet!!!

here for photos and videos of the event.


Laughing Outside the Box 2015

Click on the title above to see the entire Laughing Outside the Box 2015 series.

VacaChat Broadcast Changes
Look here for any changes to upcoming broadcasts.

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  A Note From the Dude          
  A Note from the Dude    Chatter News    Prayer
  Vaca Blog   



  Hello Vriends,  
Welcome to mid-October. ACK!!! Next thing you know, the holidays will be upon us! It's too soon. Too soon. I just cannot keep up with this year.

We have been getting some eagerly-anticipated rainfall here in northern California. It has been nice, even though it has had me re-arranging plans left and right. We had tickets to go watch a golf tournament in Napa, but we ended up not going. That had more to do with Mary's work schedule than the weather, however.

Mary started a new job last week--she has become an employee of Cisco Systems. They kind of threw her into the fire, because for her first week they had her drive all the way down to the corporate headquarters in San Jose for three days, and had her giving presentations. So much for being able to ease-into the job! That had her getting up at around 3am on those days, so I barely got a chance to see her all week.

She had intended to go with me yesterday to the Vintage Camera shoot, but she begged off due to being so exhausted. The shoot was at the Western Railway Museum in Suisun, CA. The rain managed to hold off until late afternoon, and in fact gave us some nice cloudy skies to photograph. I had never been to the museum features the electric streetcars that one finds in a number of big cities. It was a thrill to actually take a ride out to the pumpkin farm on one of the cars from the old Key System in the SF Bay area. You see, back in the mid-20th century the area had a public transit system known as the Key. You could take a train from the East Bay (Berkeley, Oakland, El Cerrito, etc.) to San Francisco. Back in the days before the bridges were built, the train would pull onto a ferry and trek across the bay. Then when the SF-Oakland Bay Bridge was built in 1937, the lower deck had rail tracks for the Key trains, which ran back and forth all day and night long. But then the automobile industry protested after the war, and said "nobody wants to ride public transportation--they want to be able to drive their cars into San Francisco!" So in 1962 they tore-up the tracks and converted the bridge to auto traffic only: upper deck had the westbound traffic, while the lower deck took the eastbound. Within a few years, the Key Line was completely gone. So it really was a treat to ride and photograph those old railcars!

It was a welcome distraction from the discouraging goings-on with the 3D printer. It was printing like a champ for about three weeks, then it got a clog in the feeder tube. I got it apart and got that cleared, but I think I didn't quite get all the gunk out of the extruder, because it never quite printed as cleanly as it had been. Then there was a mishap with a printed object lifting up from the print bed and colliding with the extruder carriage. The result was breakage of one of the probe brackets. I managed to place a splint on that in an attempt to print myself a replacement bracket, but then the heater did not seem to be functioning properly. It heats up, begins to print, and then the temperature drops to the point where the printing shuts down. So I am guessing some electrical connection has been compromised either by the collision or in my heavy-handed repair work. Now the machine is refusing to calibrate itself. So I have got it up on end and I'm trying to adjust the frame to square it up. It just seems to be one thing after another. I have been unable to print for about two weeks now, and all my cool ideas are getting backed-up in a kind of creative logjam. Drats.

However, here in a little bit I am going to go get some dinner into the crock pot, then sit down with the printer and see if I can get that frame squared-up so that it will at least calibrate. Then I can see about this heating problem.

Oh's a learning opportunity, I keep telling myself.

And with that, I think I will get going and go get that dinner started!

Have a great week, everyone!
Cheers, VacaDude


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  Sharoot Sharoot's featured pictures can be found at the end of each newsletter, under Photos of the Week. She says that since they are located at the end, then "Sharoot's the Caboose!"

Today we have photos of two beautiful avian friends.
  Jes63 An update from Jes (as of 10/09/2006)  Since Ustream has cut me out of chat, I thought my friends might want to know what I have done in the last two months.
I had my roof replaced. While they were to do it, I took off to visit an old friend I have had since 1956. She lives in Yeovil England now. A village of 900 with no store, etc. Have to go to the larger village for gas, etc. I stayed in a wonderful small hotel with a garden room called The Hollies. Next village over. Had colts (horses) outside my garden and the pub was 3 star for food. Weather beyond perfect each day and it was lovely to see green lawns again!! Lovely flowers in the National Trust Estates we toured. Went to Bath on the train, drove to Wells Cathedral one day. Just really messed around and met her friends.

Lovely relaxing until I returned home to find out they had NOT started my roof so I had to live thru the nailing. Plus no hot water, heat wave going on with the house all closed up and a flat tire while running errands.

I was ready to fly back even dealing with the 11 hour flight, the coach, and the 2 hr. train ride to her village. Not easy to reach Tintinhull. Try googling Tintinhull Yeovil UK. In the middle of nowhere!

Currently I had planned to go to Hilton Head Island to visit old friends, then up to DC to visit some friends I have not seen in over 45 ys. next week.

Hurricane Matthew messed up that trip. They still do not know what condition their home has been left in after the surge.

I am also dating some one I have known for 50 least I have as smile on my face now after breaking up with the boyfriend of 42 years!

So I have been busy but unable to chat with all my old friends on Vacachat. I did lurk until Ustream took that away too! Now I can just watch Vaca speak but no chatting on the side. Guess you have to sign in to just read the chat and not lurk.

Lots of other small stuff has happened too. My life is busy and flying by suddenly. I have no idea where time goes anymore.

I miss everyone in the chat room and I wish some of the ones from a couple of years would return. Elsa asks about us but she doesn't join anymore.

We need a new location so we can post the word and get returning chatters that we miss!
  ChatterChopz CC got an early birthday present. We went to the local animal shelter and she picked out two nine-week-old kittens to bring home. Here they are:  
    Tabatha (aka Tabby) Sockz  
    Tabby is a really outgoing kitty. She loves to snuggle and play. She sleeps with CC every night. The best way to describe Sockz is that he is most timid, most feisty and most fierce animal all rolled up in one little kitten body. He's learning to trust us now, though.  
  Elsalynda Elsalynda's latest column entitled Nature in the City: Autumnal Equinox, is available online here: 
  Littleguys Update as of August 2016: Great news. Both her mammogram and her oncologist have declared her to be cancer free for the second year in a row. She sends thank yous to all the people that have given her moral support. Also thank you to those of you who sent well wishes and congratulations on her Facebook page.  
  We'd love to include more news of VacaChatters. If you have something you'd like to share (something about you or your family) or if you know of exciting news about another chatter that they're just too shy to share, please send it to us! (We won’t run it without that chatter’s permission, however.)  


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  DotRot I'm going to go out on a limb here and ask everyone worldwide for some special prayers.

Please pray for the fostering and healing of relationships between races and ethnicities, between citizens and law enforcement and other officials, and between differing faiths.

This madness must stop!
  Jes Jes has requested prayers. She has lost a close friend and is also facing some rather daunting medical tests and procedures. She is, of course, worried and stressed, and in need of all our prayers and healing vibes.  
  KSBorn UPDATE: (as of 6/19/2016)
KSBorn writes:
My Cancer has now Spread to my Upper Spine. So we are changing my Chemo and Hormone Blocker. Please continue the Prayers. I will keep you up-dated.
  Marilyn Crabb UPDATE:  Hi! I survived six months of chemotherapy. I'll have my breast tumor and left axillary nodes removed on Friday, Feb. 13. Radiation will be next. Please pray that the surgeon does a good job and all my cancer is removed!  
My screen name was/is MarilynLA on UStream.  (Marilyn from Los Angeles)
  Elsalynda (as of 3/27) Keep Elsalynda in your prayers. Elsa was recently in Mexico and had a great time until she was hospitalized there! Keep her in your prayers for continued good health for herself and her bird Nupi.  
  GentleDoe Has anyone heard from GentleDoe lately? The latest update we have from GentleDoe is from 1/10/2016.

GentleDoe gives us much more information on her situation and struggles. To read her entire post, click here.

  Shari in Memphis UPDATE!!! We heard from Shari recently. She is now on the VacaNews mailing list, so we'll be able to keep in touch with her more easily. She tells us, "Hi guys! Shari in Memphis is alive. I've been having tons of health problems, so that's tons of doc appointments! I have moved to northern Arkansas, for health reasons, and looking forward to hub moving up here in a couple of years, when he retires. It's gorgeous in the country, and I love that we were able to find a place on a stream. Lots of wild animals around! I miss you all.
Shari (no longer in Memphis) (Shari Sides on FB)"
  Thank you for your prayers and good thoughts for owl our wonderful VacaFamily members!  If you have any prayer requests, updates or news of answered prayers, please let us know. Email us with the information so it can be included in the next newsletter.  


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Check out VacaDude's blog! Don't forget to send VacaDude your comments to let him know how much you appreciate him, his time & his talent! (No recent updates)  
  Vaca YouTube  
  Be sure to check out the Dude's YouTube channel at



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  A Message From Zorro    StoryTime News   

StoryTime Archive 

  Recipe of the Week   


  Hello there, Everbuddy!  
It sure has been a quiet week here--TOO quiet. Gone is the clack, buzz, whirr, zzzzip of the 3D printer thingie. Now it is sitting on the workbench saying "fix me!!!" I have tried my best, but I think it needs a bit more of the Dude's brainpower, and less of a food-obsessed rodent's brainpower. We've got to get this thing going again--I have so many ideas of thingz to print! (The Dude has a few as well.)

It was a fun day yesterday at the streetcar museum. The engineer wouldn't let me drive the train, but I did manage to run back and forth across the floor switch that rang the clanging bell. I think I got on the conductor's nerves a bit. He couldn't figure out why the bell was clanging so much. But it was such a lovely sound!

Actually, I think I had a lot of cousins living in the train barn that was there. They had at least a dozen or so streetcars in this big metal shed. This was out off of highway 12, which is just rolling hills and fields with lots of cows and windmills. All those cows means lots of feed storage, which generally means that there are lots of furry critters like me in the fields. Of course, that also means there were a lot of owls and red-tailed hawks--EEK! I'm just glad we went during the daylight hours. At least I can tend to avoid the hawks.

Anyway, that's enough talk about THAT. Birds of prey are too skeery to me!

Well, the day goes on, and onward I must go. To mischief!!
  Yours Most Whiskerly,


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  Next StoryTime Today!! Sunday, October 9, 2016
3:00 PM PST/6:00 PM EST
Title TBA
Invitation We REALLY need story writers! Please consider dropping in and checking out the fun we have writing the stories. Honestly, it's not at all difficult to join in and you'll surely be glad you did.


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If anyone wants to request a recipe or a recipe category, just email me.



Roasted Garlic-Parmesan Zucchini, Onions and Tomatoes


2 zucchini (courgette) (1 pound), cut into ½-inch thick slices
2 onions, cut into wedges
14 ounce small tomatoes, sliced into halves
3 Tbsp olive oil
4 cloves garlic, minced (1½ tablespoons)
1¼ teaspoon Italian seasoning
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 cup (2.4 ounces) finely shredded Parmesan cheese
Fresh or dried parsley, for garnish (optional)

  Preheat oven to 400°F. Line an 18 by 13-inch rimmed baking sheet with a sheet of parchment paper or aluminum foil.

In a small bowl whisk together olive oil, garlic and Italian seasoning (if possible let rest 5 - 10 minutes to allow flavors to infuse into oil). Place zucchini, onions and tomatoes in a large mixing bowl. Pour olive oil mixture over top and gently toss with hands to evenly coat. Pour onto prepared baking dish and spread into an even layer.

Season with salt and pepper. Sprinkle Parmesan over the top of each.

Roast in preheated oven 25 - 30 minutes until veggies are tender and Parmesan is golden brown. Garnish with parsley if desired and serve warm.

TheDaddyBird’s Chili

1 big bone-in round steak or chuck roast (about 1-1½ lbs.)
3 quarts beef broth
1½ lbs ground beef
3 onions, chopped
6 garlic cloves, minced
1 large can crushed tomatoes
2 cans diced tomatoes
1 can diced tomatoes and green chilies
3 cans red kidney beans drained and rinsed
2 cans black beans, drained and rinsed
4 6-oz. cans tomato paste
¾ cup homemade chili seasoning mix*
Salt and pepper, to taste
Tabasco or hot pepper sauce, to taste
Shredded sharp Cheddar cheese or Mexican blend cheese
Chopped green onions
Sour cream
Cheez-its, Cheetos or Corn chips
  Cut round steak or roast into bite-sized pieces—about ¾-inch. Place in a large stock pot with beef broth. Cover and boil in broth until tender—about 1 hour. Ladle up about 2 cups of broth and set aside. Leave remaining broth in the pot with the meat.

Brown ground beef with onion and garlic. Chop up fine as it cooks. Drain well. Add to cooked round steak and broth.

Add crushed tomatoes, diced tomatoes and diced tomatoes with chilies. Drain and rinse all beans. Add to pot.

Stir reserved beef broth into tomato paste until well blended. Add homemade chili seasoning mix to taste, about ¾ cup or so. Add to big pot.

Return to a boil. Turn heat to low or medium low and simmer slowly for a couple of hours, stirring every 10 minutes or so, or as needed to keep from sticking.

If it gets too thick, add more beef broth. If it’s too thin, add another can of tomato paste.

After the chili has simmered and all the flavors have blended well, taste it. Add salt, pepper and hot pepper sauce to taste.

Ladle into BIG soup bowls. Sprinkle chopped onions and cheese on top. Put a BIG dollop of sour cream on top in the middle. Serve with Cheez-its cheese crackers, Cheetos or corn chips.

This is even better when served as leftovers on the second or third day. And it feeds a bunch (or freezes well)!


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   Owl Cams   Other Bird Cams     Other Nature Cams   Video Picks of the Week     Inspiration  



  Barn Owls  
   Colorado Avian Research
   and Rehabilitation

The cam is back online with eggs
  Starr Ranch
Mama sitting on five eggs, hatch due soon

Nicassio Owl Box
Salt and Pepper  
  HOP - MAGC Barn Owls  

Mel and Sydney  

Felix Neck Owl Cam
Martha’s Vineyard  
  The Owl Cam  

Barn Owls in
Minden, Nevada  

Port of Stockton
Barn Owl Cams  

Hosted by Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Located in Texas

First Owlet hatching:
  Other Owls  
   Lake Okeechobee,
OwlGuy is now broadcasting again as Mrs. Barred Owl laid her first egg of the season on January 18.
  Savannah Bird Cam
    @ The Landings
Eastern Screech Owl
    Houston, Texas
  The Caring Owl
   in South Africa  

PPO (Potted Plant Owl)
in South Africa


Alessondra’s Owl Cam
in Oklahoma City

Three owlets:  Java, Malaya and Caspian have all fledged.

Old style chat link:

Rusty and Iris
in Houston, Minnesota


Burrowing Owls
Tri-Cities, Washington  
  Project Snow Storm  


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  Shetland Islands Puffins  

Sea Island, Maine
Puffin Burrow  

Sea Island, Maine
Puffin Loafing Ledge

These pages also contain links to numerous other nature cams.

Southwest Florida Eagles  

Black Eagle
South Africa

Decorah Eagles
Decorah, Iowa  

Berry College Eagle Cam
Mt. Berry, Georgia  
  Peregrine Falcons  

PA Falcon Cam
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania  

Commerce Tower Peregrines
Kansas City, Missouri

Cam not live now but should be returning soon.

Pitt Peregrine Falcon
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania  

Gulf Tower Peregrine Falcon
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Emily Falcon Cam
Caloundra, Australia  

Rochester, New York  
  Talking Birds  

Watch the Birdie
Bibi, the African Gray  

Talking Parakeet  
  Other Birds  
   University of Arizona
Marmou (Marilyn) sent this from her new home town in Arizona. This little lady built a nest on the end of a data cable for a future wireless access point.
  California Condor
   San Diego Zoo Safari Park
   San Diego, California  

KC Zoo Penguin Cam
  Kansas City, MO

Whidbey Island Back Porch
  Whidbey Island, WA
  Rufous hummingbirds and

  other assorted birds  

Hellgate Ospreys
Missoula, Montana
Sponsored by Cornell  

Ostrich Chicks
(Live Again! New Chicks!)   

Streaming Bird Cams
List of many cams  

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  San Diego Zoo Pandas (click on live cams)


 Zoo's blogs:


Twin Pandas at
Zoo Atlanta 


Giant Panda Cam
National Zoo
Washington, DC  

Kansas City Polar Bears
Nikita and Berlin  

Brown Bears and Salmon
Katmai National Park Alaska
(off season- will return)!/live-cams/player/brown-bear-salmon-cam-brooks-falls
(lots of other cams at this site, as well)

Black Bears
Ely, Minnesota  
  Other Animal and Nature Sites  
  Golden Paw-Prints Classic Golden Retrievers
   Oshkosh, Wisconsin

All the puppies have gone to their forever homes. The cam is now offline.

San Diego Zoo and Safari Park  
  Wild Earth Safari Cam  

The Pet Collective
(many live cams)  

Critter Chat Cams
Multi-Critter Site with Chat


Friends of Felines Rescue Center
Defiance, Ohio  

Little House
Prairie Village, Kansas

  CC's Page of Links
(scheduled for updating)

  Other Sites of Interest  
  Fascinating Information about the Jeweled City  
  John has talked about the 1915 Panama Pacific International Exposition (PPIE).
Tzunamie found us this link:  
         Mother Owl Takes On Snake—and Wins   
  Ketaki sent this in. She says, "I saw it live when it happened and it was so fast. It's too bad she didn't kill it and feed to the owlets. They could have used the food, and the snake, a rat snake, is non-venomous. But she was intent on protection. They run it in slow motion at the end so you can see her, and the inset window shows the snake coming down from the top."   
  This Bird Song Collection Will Get You In Tune With Nature  
  Help in Identifying Birds  
Try It's helps identify lots of birds.
   Meet Zeus  
  Some Interesting Information About Someone We All Know Well  
  International Space Station Links  
  During a recent broadcast the Dude talked about the websites where one can view the spacestation and the view that the astronauts have. Here are the links:

This one has the map, but no chat.

This site has a chat room.

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And the Cool Dad of the Year Award Goes To…



NOT Me!!



Now THIS is Drumming!



The Wind Wins!



A Symbiotic Relationship

A Bonus Related Video



Pure Imagination

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Coral Colors



Jimmy Stewart's Dog, Beau



Working Through Barriers



Everybody Wants To Rule The World



176 Year Battery



Visiting My Friends


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  Just for the
Fun of It 
  Fun Animations    Photo of the Week   

Kyle's Jokes of the Week

  Zorro's Word of the Week   



Little Owls



Origami Barn Owl



Origami Raccoon



Origami Puffin



Origami Tauntz


Origami Zorro


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If Only Shaving Were This Easy…



I'll Take That



Who Needs a Spare Tire?



Unleash the Feesh!






Pure Athleticism


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From the Dude




"Speed"—my InkTober effort for October 1

View the rest of the InkTober drawings HERE



Sharoot's Caboose


Sharoot shares,


First is an Osprey that Mr. Sharoot saw in Ticonderoga, NY.



The second is our own baby Red Shouldered Hawk all grown up and perched on our fence, looking for a “birdie” snack.




  Kyle's well known among his friends for his "triple groaner" riddles and jokes.
Now he shares them with VacaFamily. Enjoy!
How can you make seven even?
Remove the 's'!
What do you call a fake noodle?
An impasta!
Two monsters went to a Halloween party. Suddenly one said to the other, "A lady just rolled her eyes at me. What should I do?"

"Be a gentleman and roll them back to her."
  What do mummies like listening to on Halloween?
Wrap music!
What do you call Halloween bees?
boo bees!
Things to think about…

If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, what do you have to eat to keep the dentist away?

Why does everything taste like chicken?

What do the French call French Toast, French Bread, and French Fries?

What be a pirate's favorite letter? Do you think it be "R" or would it be the "C" they love the most!
  Murphy's Laws for Parents

1. The tennis shoes you must replace today will go on sale next week.

2. Leakproof thermoses -- will.

3. The chances of a piece of bread falling with the grape jelly side down is directly proportional to the cost of the carpet.

4. The garbage truck will be two doors past your house when the argument over whose day it is to take out the trash ends.

5. The shirt your child must wear today will be the only one that needs to be washed or mended.

6. Gym clothes left at school in lockers mildew at a faster rate than other clothing.

7. The item your child lost, and must have for school within the next ten seconds, will be found in the last place you look.

8. Sick children recover miraculously when the pediatrician enters the treatment room.

9. Refrigerated items, used daily, will gravitate toward the back of the refrigerator.

10. Your chances of being seen by someone you know dramatically increase if you drive your child to school in your robe and curlers
Upcoming Holidaze!
2nd Monday in October - Columbus Day
   2nd Friday in October - World Egg Day
   3rd Saturday in October - Sweetest Day
   2nd Week of October - Fire Prevention Week
   2nd Week of October - Pet Peeve Week
   3rd Week of October - Pastoral Care

October 9
   National Moldy Cheese Day
   Face Your Fears Day
   Post Day
   Curious Events Day
   Fire Prevention Day
   Submarine-Hoagie-Hero-Grinder Day
   Leif Erikson Day
   Talk Like Brian Blessed Day (HE'S ALIVE)
October 10
   National Angel Food Cake Day
   World Mental Health Day
October 11
National It's My Party Day
   Bring Your Teddy Bear to Work and
        School Day
   Coming Out Day
   Christopher Columbus’ Birthday
October 12
International Moment of Frustration
      Scream Day
   Cookbook Launch Day
   National Gumbo Day
   Old Farmer’s Day
October 13
National Peanut Festival
   Music Day
   International Skeptics Day
October 14
Be Bald and Free Day
   National Dessert Day
   national lowercase day
   Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Birthday (1890)
October 15
White Cane Safety Day
   National Grouch Day
   National Mushroom Day
   National Chicken Cacciatore Day
October 16
National Dictionary Day
   National Boss Day
   World Food Day
October 17
Wear Something Gaudy Day
   Hagfish Day
   Four Prunes Day
   National Pasta Day
October 18
National No Beard Day
   National Chocolate Cupcake Day
   Get Smart About Credit Day
October 19
Evaluate Your Life Day
   National Seafood Bisque Day
   Rainforest Day
October 20
National Brandied Fruit Day
   Bridge Day
   World Osteoporosis Day
   Spirit Day
October 21
National Dabbling Day
   Count Your Buttons Day
   Reptile Awareness Day
   National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day
October 22
National Nut Day
   International Stuttering Awareness Day
   Caps Lock Day





Pronunciation:  \bil-du̇ŋ(k)s-rō-ˌmän, -du̇ŋz-\






a novel about the moral and psychological growth of the main character





Bildungsroman, class of novel that deals with the maturation process, with how and why the protagonist develops as he does, both morally and psychologically. Bildungsroman is the combination of two German words: Bildung, meaning "education," and Roman, meaning "novel." The German word Bildungsroman therefore means “novel of education” or “novel of formation.” A "bildungsroman" is a novel that deals with the formative years of the main character - in particular, his or her psychological development and moral education.

Though the term is primarily applied to novels, in recent years, some English speakers have begun to apply the term to films that deal with a youthful character's coming-of-age. A common variation of the bildungsroman is the Künstlerroman, a novel dealing with the formative years of an artist. Such other variations as the Erziehungsroman (“novel of upbringing”) and the Entwicklungsroman (“novel of [character] development”) differ only slightly from the bildungsroman, and these terms are sometimes used interchangeably.

The folklore tale of the dunce who goes out into the world seeking adventure and learns wisdom the hard way was raised to literary heights in Wolfram von Eschenbach’s medieval epic Parzival and in Hans Grimmelshausen’s picaresque tale Simplicissimus (1669). The first novelistic development of this theme was Christoph Martin Wieland’s Geschichte des Agathon (1766–67; History of Agathon). It was followed by J.W. von Goethe’s Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre (1795–96; Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship), which remains the classic example of the genre. Other examples are Adalbert Stifter’s Nachsommer (1857; Indian Summer) and Gottfried Keller’s Der grüne Heinrich (1854–55; Green Henry).

The bildungsroman usually ends on a positive note with the hero's foolish mistakes and painful disappointments over and a life of usefulness ahead, though its action may be tempered by resignation and nostalgia. If the grandiose dreams of the hero’s youth are over, so are many foolish mistakes and painful disappointments, and, especially in 19th-century novels, a life of usefulness lies ahead.

In the 20th century and beyond, however, the bildungsroman more often ends in resignation or death. Classic examples include Great Expectations (1861) by Charles Dickens, Anne of Green Gables (1908) by Lucy Maud Montgomery, Sons and Lovers (1913) by D.H. Lawrence, Member of the Wedding (1946) by Carson McCullers, Catcher in the Rye (1951) by J.D. Salinger, To Kill a Mockingbird (1960) by Harper Lee, Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit (1985) by Jeanette Winterson, and Black Swan Green (2006) by David Mitchell.Goethe's late 18th-century work Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre (Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship) is often cited as the classic example of this type of novel.




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VacaShopping for the Holidays

A NEW VacaShopping Site!!!

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The first item available is a note card or greeting card with an all new

Vaca drawing on the front.

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Just think of all the VacaDude gifts!

Check them all out at VacaDude's CafePress store! Support our beloved artist/broadcaster/friend!

Don't Forget the Dude's Spoonflower Page, too!

His fabrics would be great for summer outfits!!


Eric has discontinued the sales of all his books and merchandise.

  The Molly Fans Cookbook was also offered through this website, so if you didn't get a copy

 of that and want one, let DotRot know and she'll do what she can to make it available to you.