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May 8, 2016



  Broadcast Schedule    Channel Links    Important News   




Today!!! Sunday, May 8, 2016
No Story Writing!
We'll write again on April 3.
No VacaChat Broadcast.
The chatroom will be open at 6:00 PM PST (9:00 PM EST; 8:00 PM CST) 
Upcoming!!! Sunday, May 15, 2016
Story Writing!
Join us for all the "behind-the-scenes" fun as we write the new story!
VacaChat Broadcast.
Time for more fun, frivolity, festivity, and fervent activity!

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Channel Links
The pop-out chat link no longer uses the old style chat. However, it is still a nice way to save on memory and be able to refresh without losing both chat and video.

The easiest way to do this is to open the pop-out chat in a browser window. Log in. (Type a period in the chat line—hit enter. This will open the login screen.) Size this chat window to equal about 1/3 of your desktop space.

Then open a new window or tab (Ctrl-T or Ctrl-N in most browsers) and use it to open the pop-out video. If you opened a new tab, you can then click on the tab and drag it to an open space on your desktop. Size it to about 2/3 of your desktop space beside the chat.

Now you have both open and can refresh one without disturbing the other. You can resize either without resizing the other.

I hope this helps.
If you want to view the chat or video in pop-out screens, use the links below. Some find that this places less stress on their computer and/or its memory.




If you use the pop-out links, it is recommended that you open two browser windows. That way, if one needs to be refreshed, the other is not affected.


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Our Furred, Feathered, and Scaled Babies
We will soon have a new feature on the VacaNews website. Send us pictures of you and your pets. We'll have a page featuring all our animal family members. Send them to Make sure you include your chat name and your pet's name. You can also include your real name and location if you want to.

I've only gotten photos from a few people. (The new page will be posted soon—just waiting on some graphics from TheDude.) Surely more chatters have pets that they'd like to show to the world!
It's ACTUALLY Happened

The 5th Anniversary International MOD Meet!!!

here for photos and videos of the event.

Yes, photos have actually been posted!!!


Laughing Outside the Box 2015

Click on the title above to see the entire Laughing Outside the Box 2015 series.

VacaChat Broadcast Changes
Look here for any changes to upcoming broadcasts.
 On Sunday evening, September 20th, Vaca hopes to broadcast either a recording of his Skype visit with the MOD meet or a brief chat about the MOD meet.

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  A Note From the Dude          
  A Note from the Dude    Chatter News    Prayer
  Vaca Blog   



  Note from May 1, 2016  
  Hello Vriends,  
Sorry I haven't written for a while, but with our beloved DotRot in the hospital, well...she's the glue without which everything...comes unglued!! And I have been so crazy busy with work projects, which of course is good for the finances--but it does leave me feeling a little frazzled. But anyway, Dot is back home, and the newsletter is back!

Like I say, work has been pretty busy--mostly corporate video kinds of projects. I have one client that has their big, annual tradeshow coming up in Las Vegas next week, so a number of us have been working around the clock to get the videos made for that event. However, aside from work projects I must say that some interesting things have opened up in my other areas of interest. Mostly it has to do with photography.

After winning six ribbons for my photos in the LightWriter's Photography Club's annual contest, I decided to try my luck at the county fair circuit. First of these to have a deadline was the Dixon May Fair, which is hosted by the city of Dixon--a city along I-80 just about ten miles east of Vacaville. They have a yearly fair with livestock, home cooking, fine arts, and yes--photography. I had never entered photos in anything other than the LightWriters contest, so this was my first. Well, out of my eight entries I got three ribbons--two 4th place and one 1st place! For a first time out, I was thrilled! What's more, the judge gave a very informative talk on his judging criteria, and I got lots of good information to help my strategies from this point forward. Next week is the deadline for the California State Fair, and next month is the deadline for the Solano County Fair.

One of my take-aways from the judge's talk was to try to consider entering the less popular categories. Most of my shots have been in the nature and animal categories, which comprise about 75% of the contest. Very crowded field. On the other hand, the category of computer-assisted photography only had ONE entry! I do that kind of work all day long--I'm sure I could have won some more ribbons if I had only thought to enter in that category.

So with that in mind, I took a look at the categories for the California State Fair, and I was surprised to see they had a category for Light Painting. Now I did a fair amount with that about four years ago. Those photos were taken too long ago to be able to enter in this year's contest, but I still have the light brush I had made, and I thought--I could make some new ones! So that is what I have been doing this weekend--I am adding some improvements to my light brush, so that I can spend the next few days making sweeping gestures in the dark of my garage in front of the camera. So hopefully I can pull out some gems that will get me some ribbons at the State Fair!

Speaking of which, I should probably get back to that endeavor. I am finding it has been a while since I have worked with the Arduino platform, and I forgot how I had one of the controls wired up. I hooked it up incorrectly, and was rewarded with a whiff of acrid smoke. I hope I didn't cook the component permanently! I really need to brush-up on my electronics noodling...
Cheers, VacaDude


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  Sharoot Sharoot's featured pictures can be found at the end of each newsletter, under Photos of the Week. She says that since they are located at the end, then "Sharoot's the Caboose!"

Today we have photos from Sharoot's trip to St. Augustine.
  Elsalynda Elsalynda's latest column entitled Nature in the City: Great Expectations, is available online here:
  TheDaddyBird, DotRot and ChatterChopz CC came home from karate on Monday night sporting a new belt. She has been promoted! She is no longer a blue belt but is now wearing a green stripe belt—green belt with a white stripe, much like this one:
This belt represents the half-way point between blue and full green.
She was honored for her leadership and her exemplary teaching of the younger children. Needless to say, we are quite proud of her.
  AnnSavage On Oct. 27, I received three awards in the San Diego Press Club Excellence in Journalism competition! I write for Ramona Home Journal and Julian Journal, and was honored with two first-place awards and one third-place award for my articles!

Links to the articles:

First-place stories:

Third-place story:
  Littleguys We received this from Littleguys:  For those of you that only know me via the internet, or have not seen me in years and years....I am the one in the turquoise blouse.  
  We'd love to include more news of VacaChatters. If you have something you'd like to share (something about you or your family) or if you know of exciting news about another chatter that they're just too shy to share, please send it to us! (We won’t run it without that chatter’s permission, however.)  


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  DotRot I want to thank all of you for your prayers and cards during my recent illness. Much to the surprise of my surgeon, I made it through the surgery. It was quite a ride. I am home now after a full month in the hospital and/or rehab. I'm still recovering and have 4-5 home health visits each week—from my nurse/case manager, Physical Therapist and Occupational Therapist. I still have about a third of my almost 60 staples in (the incision was LONG), but the doc wants to leave them in as long as possible to avoid the possibility of the incision reopening.

I'm doing well and gradually regaining strength, stamina and endurance. The pain has lessened tremendously so I'm finally reaching the point where I can concentrate better and accomplish more without having to give up.

TDB and CC are doing well also. The stress and worry were hard on both of them. We're all just glad that we can now say that this ordeal is mostly behind us.
  Jes Jes has requested prayers. She has lost a close friend and is also facing some rather daunting medical tests and procedures. She is, of course, worried and stressed, and in need of all our prayers and healing vibes.  
  KSBorn KSBorn has sent us an update. She writes, "I’m still in the midst of chemo and hormone blocker every day. In 2008 I had breast cancer and it returned July 2014 same breast cancer in my lung now and 2 lymph nodes positive. I’m getting ready to have a surgery to get a port. I will probably be on chemo for life. I have numerous tests monthly.
Thank you so much for the prayers and please continue."
  Marilyn Crabb UPDATE:  Hi! I survived six months of chemotherapy. I'll have my breast tumor and left axillary nodes removed on Friday, Feb. 13. Radiation will be next. Please pray that the surgeon does a good job and all my cancer is removed!  
My screen name was/is MarilynLA on UStream.  (Marilyn from Los Angeles)
  Littleguys  UPDATE: (as of 10/25/2015)  
Amazing what an injection in the right place can accomplish! My back started really hurting over two years ago, to the point I couldn't show my horses "in hand" when I would have to walk beside them, etc, and it was painful to lean over to harness them. I was diagnosed with sciatica, meaning the hole in the vertebrae where the sciatic nerve leaves the spine to go to the left leg was filling up with arthritis.

But the doctors wouldn't fix it in 2014 because the Stage Zero Breast Cancer was more important. In 2015, cancer free, it was time to fix the back. I did get that injection for the sciatica last summer, and some relief, but that doctor told me something no other doctor had told me. Half of the pain I was experiencing as I walked, stood, etc was due to the sacroiliac joint where the spine meets the left side of the pelvis. Got a shot, well, three right in that joint Thursday and cannot believe how much better it is to walk and stand. Why couldn't they do that two years ago???  Not a magic wand, but so much better,
  Elsalynda (as of 3/27) Keep Elsalynda in your prayers. Elsa was recently in Mexico and had a great time until she was hospitalized there! Keep her in your prayers for continued good health for herself and her bird Nupi.  
  GentleDoe Latest update  from GentleDoe (as of 1/10).

GentleDoe gives us much more information on her situation and struggles. To read her entire post, click here.

  Shari in Memphis UPDATE!!! We heard from Shari recently. She is now on the VacaNews mailing list, so we'll be able to keep in touch with her more easily. She tells us, "Hi guys! Shari in Memphis is alive. I've been having tons of health problems, so that's tons of doc appointments! I have moved to northern Arkansas, for health reasons, and looking forward to hub moving up here in a couple of years, when he retires. It's gorgeous in the country, and I love that we were able to find a place on a stream. Lots of wild animals around! I miss you all.
Shari (no longer in Memphis) (Shari Sides on FB)"
  Thank you for your prayers and good thoughts for owl our wonderful VacaFamily members!  If you have any prayer requests, updates or news of answered prayers, please let us know. Email us with the information so it can be included in the next newsletter.  


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Check out VacaDude's blog! Don't forget to send VacaDude your comments to let him know how much you appreciate him, his time & his talent! (No recent updates)  
  Vaca YouTube  
  Be sure to check out the Dude's YouTube channel at



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  A Message From Zorro    StoryTime News    StoryTime Archive    Recipe of the Week   


  Message from May 1, 2016  
  Hello there, Everbuddy!  
Zorro the Mouse, here! It is good to see you all again. And it is so nice to hear that DotRot has returned home again, all safe and sound. It has been kinda boring around here, what with the Dude working so much of the time. However, later in this upcoming week we are going to have some fun--we will be going to the Dixon May Fair! The Dude has some of his photos in the show there, but I mainly want to go because all of the yummy snacks to be had there! I've been dreaming of corn dogs, soft pretzels, funnel cakes, and of course--deep fried cheese sticks!! Then hopefully we can go on a bunch of rides that will stir everything up in our stomachs, and then we can... Oh wait. Maybe I had better rethink the order in which we partake of these things! I'd like to eat all that food once, and keep it down--thank you very much!

I hear that they also have livestock areas where everybody shows off their finest animals. Being a fine animal myself, I wonder if they are going to have any prizes for mouse raising? I could put on some of my lovely outfits that Sally has made for me over the years--surely that will impress the judges!

Well, time to help the Dude and Dudette with dinner--we are having curry tonight! And by "helping," I of course mean helping with the eating of it.
  Yours Most Whiskerly,


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  Next StoryTime Sunday, May 15
3:00 PM PST/6:00 PM EST
Title TBA
Invitation We need story writers! Please consider dropping in and checking out the fun we have writing the stories. Honestly, it's not at all difficult to join in and you'll surely be glad you did.


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If anyone wants to request a recipe or a recipe category, just email me.



Soy Ginger Chicken


1½ cups soy sauce
½ cup extra-virgin olive oil
½ cup honey
½ cup packed brown sugar
Zest of 1 lime
1 lime, juiced
4 inches fresh ginger, minced
2 teaspoons minced garlic

3-4 pounds chicken pieces

  Place chicken in a large Ziploc bag. Combine all marinade ingredients and pour over chicken. Squeeze as much air from bag as possible and set in refrigerator for several hours (preferably overnight).

When ready to cook, preheat oven to 350°F. Carefully remove chicken pieces from bag, reserving as much marinade as possible. Place chicken in a baking dish and bake for 30-45 minutes, or until juices run clear when chicken is pricked at the thickest point.

While chicken is cooking, place reserved marinade in a saucepan. Bring to a boil and boil for at least 3-4 minutes. Reduce heat and continue cooking marinade, stirring almost constantly, until it has reduced by at least half and is thick and syrupy. Brush over chicken in the last few minutes of cooking. Save any remaining glaze to serve over rice, noodles or other side dish.

Peanut Butter Cup Pie

  Peanut Butter Lovers, this is for you!  

60 Vanilla Wafers
   ⅓ cup butter, melted
    ¼ cup granulated sugar
Ganache Layer
4 ounces milk chocolate chips
    ½ cup heavy cream
Peanut Butter Cup Layer
9 full sized peanut butter cups
Filling Layer
2 tablespoons granulated sugar
    1 cup heavy cream, cold
    1 cup creamy peanut butter
    8 ounces cream cheese, room temperature
    ½ cup granulated sugar
Chocolate Drizzle
½ cup milk chocolate chips
Chocolate Whipped Cream Frosting
2 tablespoons granulated sugar
    1 cup heavy cream
    2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
    ½ cup powdered sugar
    ½ tsp vanilla extract

   Preheat oven to 350°F.

In a food processor, crush the vanilla wafers. Then blend in the ⅓ cup melted butter and ¼ cup granulated sugar. Press into a deep dish pie pan and bake for 10 minutes.

When you put the crust in the oven, put your metal mixing bowl (from a stand mixer) and metal whisk in the freezer for 15 minutes.

In a microwave safe measuring cup, combine 4 ounces of milk chocolate chips and ½ cup heavy cream. Microwave at half power for a minute. Stir, and then microwave in 30 second intervals until it is fully combined and smooth. Pour into the bottom of the pie crust and cool in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.

While the you are waiting for the chocolate and pie crust to cool, combine the 2 tablespoons sugar and 1 cup heavy cream in the frozen metal bowl and beat on medium until soft peaks begin to form. Then beat in the 1 cup peanut butter. Once that is combined, beat in the room temperature cream cheese and ½ cup granulated sugar, until fully combined.

Put 9 full sized peanut butter cups in the bottom of the pie crust on top of the cooled ganache. Top with the creamy peanut butter filling and spread it to the edges.

Melt the ½ cup milk chocolate chips and drizzle over the finished pie. You may not use all of the chocolate. Allow to firm up in the refrigerator for at least four hours.

Before serving, make the chocolate whipped cream frosting. Freeze your metal bowl and whisk for 15 minutes. Then add 2 tablespoons granulated and 1 cup cold heavy cream. Whisk until soft peaks begin to form. Then whisk in 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder and ½ cup powdered sugar until combined. Put it into a piping bag and pipe around the edges of the pie.


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   Owl Cams   Other Bird Cams     Other Nature Cams   Video Picks of the Week     Inspiration  



  Barn Owls  
   Colorado Avian Research
   and Rehabilitation

The cam is back online with eggs
  Starr Ranch
Mama sitting on five eggs, hatch due soon

Nicassio Owl Box
Salt and Pepper  
  HOP - MAGC Barn Owls  

Mel and Sydney  

Felix Neck Owl Cam
Martha’s Vineyard  
  The Owl Cam  

Barn Owls in
Minden, Nevada  

Port of Stockton
Barn Owl Cams  

Hosted by Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Located in Texas

First Owlet hatching:
  Other Owls  
   Lake Okeechobee,
OwlGuy is now broadcasting again as Mrs. Barred Owl laid her first egg of the season on January 18.
  Savannah Bird Cam
    @ The Landings
Eastern Screech Owl
    Houston, Texas
  The Caring Owl
   in South Africa  

PPO (Potted Plant Owl)
in South Africa


Alessondra’s Owl Cam
in Oklahoma City

Three owlets:  Java, Malaya and Caspian have all fledged.

Old style chat link:

Rusty and Iris
in Houston, Minnesota


Burrowing Owls
Tri-Cities, Washington  
  Project Snow Storm  


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  Shetland Islands Puffins  

Sea Island, Maine
Puffin Burrow  

Sea Island, Maine
Puffin Loafing Ledge

These pages also contain links to numerous other nature cams.

Southwest Florida Eagles  

Black Eagle
South Africa

Decorah Eagles
Decorah, Iowa  

Berry College Eagle Cam
Mt. Berry, Georgia  
  Peregrine Falcons  

PA Falcon Cam
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania  

Commerce Tower Peregrines
Kansas City, Missouri

Cam not live now but should be returning soon.

Pitt Peregrine Falcon
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania  

Gulf Tower Peregrine Falcon
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Emily Falcon Cam
Caloundra, Australia  

Rochester, New York  
  Talking Birds  

Watch the Birdie
Bibi, the African Gray  

Talking Parakeet  
  Other Birds  
   University of Arizona
Marmou (Marilyn) sent this from her new home town in Arizona. This little lady built a nest on the end of a data cable for a future wireless access point.
  California Condor
   San Diego Zoo Safari Park
   San Diego, California  

KC Zoo Penguin Cam
  Kansas City, MO

Whidbey Island Back Porch
  Whidbey Island, WA
  Rufous hummingbirds and

  other assorted birds  

Hellgate Ospreys
Missoula, Montana
Sponsored by Cornell  

Ostrich Chicks
(Live Again! New Chicks!)   

Streaming Bird Cams
List of many cams  

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  San Diego Zoo Pandas (click on live cams)


 Zoo's blogs:


Twin Pandas at
Zoo Atlanta 


Giant Panda Cam
National Zoo
Washington, DC  

Kansas City Polar Bears
Nikita and Berlin  

Brown Bears and Salmon
Katmai National Park Alaska
(off season- will return)!/live-cams/player/brown-bear-salmon-cam-brooks-falls
(lots of other cams at this site, as well)

Black Bears
Ely, Minnesota  
  Other Animal and Nature Sites  
  Golden Paw-Prints Classic Golden Retrievers
   Oshkosh, Wisconsin

More puppies expected this summer.

San Diego Zoo and Safari Park  
  Wild Earth Safari Cam  

The Pet Collective
(many live cams)  

Critter Chat Cams
Multi-Critter Site with Chat


Friends of Felines Rescue Center
Defiance, Ohio  

Little House
Prairie Village, Kansas

  CC's Page of Links
(scheduled for updating)

  Other Sites of Interest  
  Fascinating Information about the Jeweled City  
  John has talked about the 1915 Panama Pacific International Exposition (PPIE).
Tzunamie found us this link:  
         Mother Owl Takes On Snake—and Wins   
  Ketaki sent this in. She says, "I saw it live when it happened and it was so fast. It's too bad she didn't kill it and feed to the owlets. They could have used the food, and the snake, a rat snake, is non-venomous. But she was intent on protection. They run it in slow motion at the end so you can see her, and the inset window shows the snake coming down from the top."   
  This Bird Song Collection Will Get You In Tune With Nature  
  Help in Identifying Birds  
Try It's helps identify lots of birds.
   Meet Zeus  
  Some Interesting Information About Someone We All Know Well  
  International Space Station Links  
  During a recent broadcast the Dude talked about the websites where one can view the spacestation and the view that the astronauts have. Here are the links:

This one has the map, but no chat.

This site has a chat room.

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Dog Toy Napper



Spider Web Timelapse



Caught Red Handed



The Broccoli Farm



Meet Porter. The World's First Driving Dog



The Dancing Deer

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Rescued Horses



Mind-Blowing Magic Magnets



Gravity Glue



All Creatures Great and Small



Staff of Honor



Photographing The President

Well, not THE President, but the President


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  Just for the
Fun of It 
  Fun Animations    Photo of the Week   

Kyle's Jokes of the Week

  Zorro's Word of the Week   



Rocky Cookies



Antique Silver Bunny



Chocolate Mice



Pinecone Snowy Owls



Snowy Owl Ornaments



Another Time Machine for Zorro


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Future Engineer


Not Even the Cat Wants to Watch



Check Out My Dance Moves



How to startle everyone at once






Obey All Signs

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From the Dude



Here's a couple of photos I took this last week.

One I took as I walked around in San Francisco last week,

and another is from a news story--somebody vandalized

 one of the signs to have it say "Superb Owl" 





Sharoot's Caboose


Sharoot shares,


We took a weekend trip to St. Augustine and visited the lighthouse there.
It was built in 1871 and it is huge. 212 step to the top, phew! The view from the top was spectacular!





  Kyle's well known among his friends for his "triple groaner" riddles and jokes.
Now he shares them with VacaFamily. Enjoy!
Why was the picture sent to prison?
Because it was framed
Why are peacocks unreliable?
They're always spreading tails.
A band director was standing outside on a metal ladder during a concert, when a thunderstorm broke out. He wasn't hit by lightning, but the music was awful. It seems he just wasn't a good conductor.
  Smith goes to see his supervisor in the front office. "Boss," he says, "we're doing some heavy house-cleaning at home tomorrow, and my wife needs me to help with the attic and the garage, moving and hauling stuff."

"We're short-handed, Smith" the boss replies. "I can't give you the day off."

"Thanks, boss," says Smith "I knew I could count on you!"
  The world's first fully computerized airliner was ready for its maiden flight without pilots or crew.

The plane taxied to the loading area automatically, its doors opened automatically, the steps came but automatically.

The passengers boarded the plane and took their seats.

The steps retreated automatically, the doors closed, and the airplane taxied toward the runway.

The plane took off and shortly was in the air away from the airport.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen," a computer voice spoke.

"Welcome to the debut of the world's first fully computerized airliner."

"Everything on this aircraft is run electronically. So, just sit back and relax."

"Nothing can go wrong… "

"Nothing can go wrong… "

"Nothing can go wrong… "
Upcoming Holidaze!
Date Your Mate Month
Foster Care Month
National Barbecue Month
National Bike Month
National Blood Pressure Month
National Hamburger Month
National Photograph Month
National Recommitment Month
National Salad Month
Older Americans Month

2nd Wednesday - Receptionists’ Day
2nd Wednesday (usually the Wednesday during
Nurse’s Week) - School Nurses Day
2nd Saturday - International Migratory Bird Day
Saturday closest to May 10 - National Train Day
2nd Sunday - Mother’s Day

2nd Week - Wildflower Week

May 8
   No Socks Day
   Have A Coke Day
   Iris Day
   V-E Day
   World Red Cross (Red Crescent) Day
   Harry S Truman’s Birthday (1884)
May 9
   National Lost Sock Memorial Day
   National Butterscotch Brownie Day
May 10
   National Clean Up Your Room Day
   National Shrimp Day
   Windmill Day
May 11
   Eat What You Want Day
   National Twilight Zone Day
May 12
   National Limerick Day
   Hug Your Cat Day
   Train Day
   Fatigue Syndrome Day
May 13
   National Leprechaun Day
    Frog Jumping Day
May 14
    National Dance Like a Chicken Day
    National Buttermilk Biscuit Day





Pronunciation:  \GOR-mun-dyze\




Definition of GORMANDIZE


to eat greedily, gluttonously, or ravenously




"People stuff themselves, they gorge, they gormandize; their fingers are greasy from morning to night."

— Philippe Sagant, The Dozing Shaman, 1996


"While my ability to gormandize has slackened over the years,

my enthusiasm for cooking big has only grown."

— Henry Miller, The Statesman Journal (Salem, Oregon), 19 Dec. 2013




Gormandize entered English in the mid-1500s as a modification of gourmand, a term borrowed from the

French that served as a synonym of glutton. The meaning of gourmand softened over time,

developing in the mid-18th century a sense referring to one who is "heartily interested in good food and drink."

It wasn't until the early 19th century that the wholly positive gourmet became established.

Whether that now-common word encouraged the adoption of or was influenced by the softer meaning of

gourmand is unknown. Gormandize, too, has softened over time, but only slightly:

it can now also imply that a big eater has a discriminating palate as well as a generous appetite.



Test Your Vocabulary


Fill in the blanks to create a word meaning "an immoderate indulgence

 in food or drink" or "an overabundant supply":

 s _ r _ e _ t.












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VacaShopping for the Holidays

A NEW VacaShopping Site!!!

Vaca is now posting new items to Zazzle!

His new store is at:

The first item available is a note card or greeting card with an all new

Vaca drawing on the front.

Check it out at:



Don't you need some new decorations for Valentine's Day?

Just think of all the VacaDude gifts!

Check them all out at VacaDude's CafePress store! Support our beloved artist/broadcaster/friend!

Don't Forget the Dude's Spoonflower Page, too!

His fabrics would be great for summer outfits!!


Eric has discontinued the sales of all his books and merchandise.

  The Molly Fans Cookbook was also offered through this website, so if you didn't get a copy

 of that and want one, let DotRot know and she'll do what she can to make it available to you.