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November 22, 2015



  Broadcast Schedule    Channel Links    Important News   




Today!!! Sunday, November 22, 2015
No Story Writing!
We'll write again on December 6.
No VacaChat Broadcast.
The chatroom will be open at 6:00 PM PST (9:00 PM EST; 8:00 PM CST) 
Upcoming!!! Sunday, November 29, 2015
No Story Writing!
We'll write again on December 6.
No VacaChat Broadcast.
The chatroom will be open at 6:00 PM PST (9:00 PM EST; 8:00 PM CST) 

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Channel Links
The pop-out chat link no longer uses the old style chat. However, it is still a nice way to save on memory and be able to refresh without losing both chat and video.

The easiest way to do this is to open the pop-out chat in a browser window. Log in. (Type a period in the chat line—hit enter. This will open the login screen.) Size this chat window to equal about 1/3 of your desktop space.

Then open a new window or tab (Ctrl-T or Ctrl-N in most browsers) and use it to open the pop-out video. If you opened a new tab, you can then click on the tab and drag it to an open space on your desktop. Size it to about 2/3 of your desktop space beside the chat.

Now you have both open and can refresh one without disturbing the other. You can resize either without resizing the other.

I hope this helps.
If you want to view the chat or video in pop-out screens, use the links below. Some find that this places less stress on their computer and/or its memory.




If you use the pop-out links, it is recommended that you open two browser windows. That way, if one needs to be refreshed, the other is not affected.


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Don't Forget the Time Change!
Don't forget to set your clocks back an hour next Sunday or you'll miss out on Storytime and the VacaChat Broadcast!
Our Furred, Feathered, and Scaled Babies
We will soon have a new feature on the VacaNews website. Send us pictures of you and your pets. We'll have a page featuring all our animal family members. Send them to Make sure you include your chat name and your pet's name. You can also include your real name and location if you want to.

I've only gotten photos from a few people. (The new page will be posted soon—just waiting on some graphics from TheDude.) Surely more chatters have pets that they'd like to show to the world!
It's ACTUALLY Happened

The 5th Anniversary International MOD Meet!!!

here for photos and videos of the event.


Laughing Outside the Box 2015

Click on the title above to see the entire Laughing Outside the Box 2015 series.

VacaChat Broadcast Changes
Look here for any changes to upcoming broadcasts.
 On Sunday evening, September 20th, Vaca hopes to broadcast either a recording of his Skype visit with the MOD meet or a brief chat about the MOD meet.

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  A Note From the Dude          
  A Note from the Dude    Chatter News    Prayer
  Vaca Blog   



  Hello Vriends,  
Happy Sunday to all! I hope everybody is enjoying their last weekend before the big holiday. And of course, I am referring to St. Andrew's Day. Actually, that's on the 30th--so you have one more weekend to go. You might want to spend next weekend cooking tons of food, because St. Andrew's Day is all about feasting and dancing and all that. So if you know of any other holidays before that which involve lots of food, maybe you just want to cook some extra and save it for St. Andrew's Day. It is all to celebrate the life of St. Andrew, of course--the patron saint of convenience stores. On St. Andrew's Day, thousands of pilgrims flood into the convenience stores to purchase last-minute ingredients for all the cooking that is going on. (Oh, and don't get him mixed up with St. Conrad--the patron saint of beef jerky. People often confuse those because of the convenience store/jerky connection.)

No, I still haven't made it out to Folsom Lake. I'm caught in that intricate dance between work projects, weather conditions, and other scheduling situations. I was all set to go out last Monday, as I was having to pick Mary up from the airport at 8pm, and I was thinking I would spend some time at the lake taking pictures beforehand. But unfortunately I had lost a key piece of equipment, so I ended up going to one of the few remaining camera stores in the Sacramento area instead. Then I went to Berkeley on Friday, and I had thoughts of trying to make it to the lake later that afternoon, but then it occurred to me that I had neglected to pack my filter set. So again--something that would have severely diminished the types of shots I would be able to get.

Because of all the near misses, I am now of the opinion that I have too much photographic equipment to actually be able to remember everything, so I need to come up with some checklists. A list of everything I need to pack when getting ready to go out on a photo safari. I've pretty much reached the point where I need to start doing that for everything. Packing for trips, preparing for skiing, going to the doctor--I just need tons of checklists to keep track of what I need to grab or prepare for.

Now I have a work project that is probably going to carry me all the way until Christmas, so I've got my work cut out for me. Still, I think I am going to try again tomorrow morning to get to the lake. The lake level actually rose a little last night, despite the fact it has not rained. I think what is happening is that the snow that was dumped in the Sierra by the last couple of storms is starting to melt, and it is coming down to Folsom. So hopefully we will get some more rain soon, but I'm hoping I can get a couple of hikes in first. The California State Parks are running a promotion on Friday--so instead of spending Black Friday waiting in line at stores, you can go to any CA State Park and go in for free. I'm hoping to go back out to Folsom that day--it's cheap, and would be a great way to walk off some turkey calories!

Speaking of which--we just got our bird a few minutes ago. A 14 pounder. That is a bit smaller than we usually do--I am having to walk a fine line this year. We are planning on cooking much the same things, but I will just go lighter on the portions.

Well, not much else in the way of news, so let me just wish everybody a very Happy Thanksgiving, and we'll talk with you later!
Cheers, VacaDude


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  Sharoot Sharoot's featured pictures can be found at the end of each newsletter, under Photos of the Week. She says that since they are located at the end, then "Sharoot's the Caboose!"

Today we have photos of a father and son in her neighborhood.
  Elsalynda Elsalynda's latest column entitled Nature in the city: Autumnal Adventures, is available online here: 
  AnnSavage On Oct. 27, I received three awards in the San Diego Press Club Excellence in Journalism competition! I write for Ramona Home Journal and Julian Journal, and was honored with two first-place awards and one third-place award for my articles!

Links to the articles:

First-place stories:

Third-place story:
  Littleguys We received this from Littleguys:  For those of you that only know me via the internet, or have not seen me in years and years....I am the one in the turquoise blouse.  
  We'd love to include more news of VacaChatters. If you have something you'd like to share (something about you or your family) or if you know of exciting news about another chatter that they're just too shy to share, please send it to us! (We won’t run it without that chatter’s permission, however.)  


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  Jes Jes has requested prayers. She has lost a close friend and is also facing some rather daunting medical tests and procedures. She is, of course, worried and stressed, and in need of all our prayers and healing vibes.  
  KSBorn KSBorn has sent us an update. She writes, "I’m still in the midst of chemo and hormone blocker every day. In 2008 I had breast cancer and it returned July 2014 same breast cancer in my lung now and 2 lymph nodes positive. I’m getting ready to have a surgery to get a port. I will probably be on chemo for life. I have numerous tests monthly.
Thank you so much for the prayers and please continue."
  Marilyn Crabb UPDATE:  Hi! I survived six months of chemotherapy. I'll have my breast tumor and left axillary nodes removed on Friday, Feb. 13. Radiation will be next. Please pray that the surgeon does a good job and all my cancer is removed!  
My screen name was/is MarilynLA on UStream.  (Marilyn from Los Angeles)
  Littleguys  UPDATE: (as of 10/25/2015)  
Amazing what an injection in the right place can accomplish! My back started really hurting over two years ago, to the point I couldn't show my horses "in hand" when I would have to walk beside them, etc, and it was painful to lean over to harness them. I was diagnosed with sciatica, meaning the hole in the vertebrae where the sciatic nerve leaves the spine to go to the left leg was filling up with arthritis.

But the doctors wouldn't fix it in 2014 because the Stage Zero Breast Cancer was more important. In 2015, cancer free, it was time to fix the back. I did get that injection for the sciatica last summer, and some relief, but that doctor told me something no other doctor had told me. Half of the pain I was experiencing as I walked, stood, etc was due to the sacroiliac joint where the spine meets the left side of the pelvis. Got a shot, well, three right in that joint Thursday and cannot believe how much better it is to walk and stand. Why couldn't they do that two years ago???  Not a magic wand, but so much better,
  Elsalynda Keep Elsalynda in your prayers as she struggles with health, computer and weather related issues.  
  GentleDoe Latest update  from GentleDoe (as of 11/22).

GentleDoe gives us much more information on her situation and struggles. To read her entire post, click here.

  Shari in Memphis UPDATE!!! We heard from Shari recently. She is now on the VacaNews mailing list, so we'll be able to keep in touch with her more easily. She tells us, "Hi guys! Shari in Memphis is alive. I've been having tons of health problems, so that's tons of doc appointments! I have moved to northern Arkansas, for health reasons, and looking forward to hub moving up here in a couple of years, when he retires. It's gorgeous in the country, and I love that we were able to find a place on a stream. Lots of wild animals around! I miss you all.
Shari (no longer in Memphis) (Shari Sides on FB)"
  Thank you for your prayers and good thoughts for owl our wonderful VacaFamily members!  If you have any prayer requests, updates or news of answered prayers, please let us know. Email us with the information so it can be included in the next newsletter.  


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Check out VacaDude's blog! Don't forget to send VacaDude your comments to let him know how much you appreciate him, his time & his talent! (No recent updates)  
  Vaca YouTube  
  Be sure to check out the Dude's YouTube channel at


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  A Message From Zorro    StoryTime News    StoryTime Archive    Recipe of the Week   


  Hello there, Everbuddy!  
Oh, I am rubbing my little paws together in anticipation--this week brings my favorite holiday of all! I mean, I like Christmas because I love getting and giving prezzies, but Thanksgiving is all about food. I just love to nibble on everything as it is being prepared, and of course--afterward as well. And now the Dude just told me about St. Andrew's Day, which again is all about food. So I am guessing I might be a Scottish-Mexican mouse. I would play some bagpipes on the 30th, but my lungs are so tiny. So I guess I'll just eat a bunch.

We had so much fun here last night--we watched the Muppets Christmas Carol movie. I had never heard of it before! It was fun seeing the telling of Dickens' classic story by my old friends the Muppets. Me and the Muppets go way back. In fact, I think Rizzo the Rat is a distant cousin of mine. It was fun watching the movie because there were lots of references to food and cooking. Christmas goose, Christmas turkey, chocolate goodies to take to work--all looked very yummy! I don't know if I would like the ghosts and stuff...that would be a little skeery!

Hmmm. I'll bet the other critters around here would like to tell the Christmas Carol story sometime!

Well, it is time to go out and see who the 49ers are losing to this week. Oh yeah, I think it is the Seattle Seahawks. ::sigh::

Anyway, Happy Turkey Day, everbuddy!!
  Yours Most Whiskerly,


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  Next StoryTime Sunday, December 4
3:00 PM PST/6:00 PM EST
Title Santa Zorro meets Scrooge
Invitation We need story writers! Please consider dropping in and checking out the fun we have writing the stories. Honestly, it's not at all difficult to join in and you'll surely be glad you did.


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If anyone wants to request a recipe or a recipe category, just email me.



Bourbon Bacon Sage Stuffing Muffins

  6½ cups of white bread, cubed (about 1 loaf)
½ pound bourbon smoked bacon, diced (or thick bacon of your choice)
1 cup yellow onion, diced (about 1 medium yellow onion)
3 celery stalks, thinly sliced
1 leak, cleaned and thinly sliced
5 large fresh sage leaves, chopped
3 sprigs of fresh thyme
1 cup low-sodium chicken stock
2 eggs, lightly beaten
  Preheat the oven to 300°F.

Thoroughly butter the muffin tin and set aside.

In a single layer, place the bread cubes on two sheet pans and bake for 10 minutes, or until barely toasted. Remove and set aside.

In a large sauté pan, cook the bacon over medium-high heat, being sure to stir regularly, for about 7 minutes, or until slightly browned and crispy. Transfer to paper towels to drain. The bacon should release a few tablespoons of grease. This is good! We’ll use this to cook the vegetables. If for some reason your bacon is super lean, you might want to add a teaspoon of unsalted butter. Bring heat down to medium, and add the diced onion, sliced celery, sliced leek, salt and pepper, and cook until all is softened and translucent, about 10 minutes. Add the sage and thyme and cook just until fragrant.

Turn off the heat and add bacon, toasted bread crumbs and chicken broth to the vegetable mixture and toss. Add the slightly beaten eggs and mix once more.

Using a tablespoon, transfer mounds of the stuffing mixture to each muffin tin. Be sure to tightly pack the stuffing in each of the muffin cups. This will make sure the mixture adheres to itself and the muffins don’t fall apart.

Bake for 20-25 minutes, until top is browned. To remove, take a butter knife and go around each of the stuffing muffins’ outer edge. Using your knife, gently lift it up out of the muffin tins. Serve warm.

Copycat Woolworth's Cheesecake


1 can evaporated milk (not skim or low-fat)
1 3-ounce box lemon Jell-O
1 cup hot water
3 cups graham cracker crumbs (more for thicker crust)
¾ cup powdered sugar
1 stick melted butter
1 8-ounce cream cheese (at room temperature)
1 cup sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla

  Place can of evaporated milk in freezer—it needs to be ice cold (about 30 minutes)

Mix Jell-O with 1 cup hot water in small bowl, stir until dissolved and put in freezer for a quick set—you want it to thicken some but NOT set. Stir once after about 20 minutes, then put in refrigerator until ready to use.

Mix graham cracker crumbs, powdered sugar, and melted butter until well blended, put ¾ of it in bottom of 9x13" pan. Press to form crust, save rest of mixture for later.

Mix cream cheese, 1 cup sugar and vanilla until well blended, set aside.

When Jell-O starts to thicken it is time to start. Open can of evaporated milk and pour into large bowl and beat until fluffy and looks like whipped cream. Add cream cheese mixture until well blended.

Slowly mix in the Jell-O.

Pour mixture into pan spreading evenly over graham cracker crust. Sprinkle with remaining graham cracker crumbs.

Refrigerate about two hours before serving, Store covered in refrigerator.


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   Owl Cams   Other Bird Cams     Other Nature Cams   Video Picks of the Week     Inspiration  



  Barn Owls  
   Colorado Avian Research
   and Rehabilitation

Update—October 22nd: The cam has been switched off. It appears that the adult Barn Owls have abandoned their owlets. The owlets have been taken into captivity to finish growing. They will be released back into the wild as the weather permits. This may be next spring.

Nicassio Owl Box
Salt and Pepper  
  HOP - MAGC Barn Owls  

Mel and Sydney  

Felix Neck Owl Cam
Martha’s Vineyard  
  The Owl Cam  

Barn Owls in
Minden, Nevada  

Port of Stockton
Barn Owl Cams  

Hosted by Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Located in Texas

First Owlet hatching:
  Other Owls  
   Lake Okeechobee,
OwlGuy is now broadcasting again as Mrs. Barred Owl laid her first egg of the season on January 18.
  Savannah Bird Cam
    @ The Landings
Eastern Screech Owl
    Houston, Texas
  The Caring Owl
   in South Africa  

PPO (Potted Plant Owl)
in South Africa


Alessondra’s Owl Cam
in Oklahoma City

Three owlets:  Java, Malaya and Caspian have all fledged.

Old style chat link:

Rusty and Iris
in Houston, Minnesota


Burrowing Owls
Tri-Cities, Washington  
  Project Snow Storm  


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  Shetland Islands Puffins  

Sea Island, Maine
Puffin Burrow  

Sea Island, Maine
Puffin Loafing Ledge

These pages also contain links to numerous other nature cams.

Southwest Florida Eagles  

Black Eagle
South Africa

Decorah Eagles
Decorah, Iowa  

Berry College Eagle Cam
Mt. Berry, Georgia  
  Peregrine Falcons  

PA Falcon Cam
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania  

Commerce Tower Peregrines
Kansas City, Missouri

Cam not live now but should be returning soon.

Pitt Peregrine Falcon
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania  

Gulf Tower Peregrine Falcon
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Emily Falcon Cam
Caloundra, Australia  

Rochester, New York  
  Talking Birds  

Watch the Birdie
Bibi, the African Gray  

Talking Parakeet  
  Other Birds  
   University of Arizona
Marmou (Marilyn) sent this from her new home town in Arizona. This little lady built a nest on the end of a data cable for a future wireless access point.
  California Condor
   San Diego Zoo Safari Park
   San Diego, California  

KC Zoo Penguin Cam
  Kansas City, MO

Whidbey Island Back Porch
  Whidbey Island, WA
  Rufous hummingbirds and

  other assorted birds  

Hellgate Ospreys
Missoula, Montana
Sponsored by Cornell  

Ostrich Chicks
(Live Again! New Chicks!)   

Streaming Bird Cams
List of many cams  

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  San Diego Zoo Pandas (click on live cams)


 Zoo's blogs:


Twin Pandas at
Zoo Atlanta 


Giant Panda Cam
National Zoo
Washington, DC  

Kansas City Polar Bears
Nikita and Berlin  

Brown Bears and Salmon
Katmai National Park Alaska
(off season- will return)!/live-cams/player/brown-bear-salmon-cam-brooks-falls
(lots of other cams at this site, as well)

Black Bears
Ely, Minnesota  
  Other Animal and Nature Sites  
  Golden Paw-Prints Classic Golden Retrievers
   Oshkosh, Wisconsin

The puppies have all gone to their forever homes.

San Diego Zoo and Safari Park  
  Wild Earth Safari Cam  

The Pet Collective
(many live cams)  

Critter Chat Cams
Multi-Critter Site with Chat


Friends of Felines Rescue Center
Defiance, Ohio  

Little House
Prairie Village, Kansas

  CC's Page of Links
(scheduled for updating)

  Other Sites of Interest  
  Fascinating Information about the Jeweled City  
  John has talked about the 1915 Panama Pacific International Exposition (PPIE).
Tzunamie found us this link:  
         Mother Owl Takes On Snake—and Wins   
  Ketaki sent this in. She says, "I saw it live when it happened and it was so fast. It's too bad she didn't kill it and feed to the owlets. They could have used the food, and the snake, a rat snake, is non-venomous. But she was intent on protection. They run it in slow motion at the end so you can see her, and the inset window shows the snake coming down from the top."   
  This Bird Song Collection Will Get You In Tune With Nature  
  Help in Identifying Birds  
Try It's helps identify lots of birds.
   Meet Zeus  
  Some Interesting Information About Someone We All Know Well  
  International Space Station Links  
  During a recent broadcast the Dude talked about the websites where one can view the spacestation and the view that the astronauts have. Here are the links:

This one has the map, but no chat.

This site has a chat room.

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I'm Little...But I'm a Great Winner



Dogs Are Awesome






The Start of the Blues

This is supposed to be the ONLY time Carson sang in public!

This show is at Kiel Opera House in St Louis in June, 1965 when Johnny Carson hosted the Tonight Show.

The Rat Pack were playing Vegas, but visited Carson for this wonderfully entertaining performance.

Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Johnny Carson, and to top it off

Quincy Jones was conducting the Count Basie band, and he is visible in the background.



The Genius



Koko and Robin Williams

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Tony Orlando Tribute to POWs



The Gnomist



Airport Honor Flight Boogie



Putting Up the Flag



Charlotte's Litter



The Wisdom of Joe Friday and Bill Gannon



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  Just for the
Fun of It 
  Fun Animations    Photo of the Week   

Kyle's Jokes of the Week

  Zorro's Word of the Week   



Owl with Pockets



Felt Squirrel Ornament

More felt animals and ornaments from this same source HERE



Pinecone Mice Ornaments



Snowy Owl Ornaments



Teacup Mouse



O is for Owlz



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Why Can't I Grab This Branch?



Just Stop It, Okay?



 The Royals Won the Series!



MMMMM! Carrots!



Kung Fu Elephant



Just Gotta Mess with You



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From the Dude





Here are a couple of shots that came out pretty well from this morning's photo session.

I think the one of the red-tailed hawk came out very nicely.

You can really see him looking down at me and checking me out! (Luckily I didn't look all that tasty...)





Sharoot's Caboose


Sharoot shares,


Today’s Caboose features Red Headed Woodpeckers.  
We had not seen any in our neighborhood for the last two years.  
Then last week we heard and saw this handsome fellow.  
We are so glad they are back, they are beautiful birds and fun to watch!




Then today we spied this immature Red Headed Woodpecker.  He’ll be as handsome as his Dad someday soon.




  Kyle's well known among his friends for his "triple groaner" riddles and jokes.
Now he shares them with VacaFamily. Enjoy!
Where do geologists like to relax?
In a rocking chair.
In the early 20th Century, Thomas Edison was spreading the word about electricity. Once, while vacationing out West, he stopped at the Sioux reservation. Edison was shocked to learn that there was no indoor plumbing, and that he would have to use an outhouse. In fact, he was told, the Sioux had to use the outhouse regardless of the weather. To help the Sioux, Edison installed lights in the outhouse. With this kind act, he became the first person to wire a head for a reservation!
Why did pilgrims' pants always fall down?
Because they wore their belt buckles on their hats.
Can a turkey jump higher than the Empire State Building?
Yes - a building can't jump at all
What disasters could happen if you dropped the Thanksgiving turkey?
The downfall of Turkey, the breakup of China, and the overthrow of Greece.

I have some relatives with Mohawk haircuts, multiple facial piercings, and a lot of tattoos. What should I serve them at Thanksgiving?
Punk kin pie.

Why should you keep your eye off the turkey dressing?
Because it makes him blush.

What kind of car did Pilgrims drive?
A Plymouth.

Why did the band leader save the drumsticks from 38 turkeys?
Because he wanted to play “76 tom bones.”
Upcoming Holidaze!
  The Day After Thanksgiving - Buy Nothing Day
(does anyone abide by it?!)
The Day After Thanksgiving - Black Friday
The Day After Thanksgiving - You're Welcome Day

November 22
    National Start Your Own Country Day
    Antarctic Day
    Go For a Ride Day
November 23
National Cashew Day
    Fibonacci Day
    Eat a Cranberry Day
    Franklin Pierce’s Birthday (1804)
November 24
National Use Even If Seal Is Broken Day
    Tie One On Day
    Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day
    Zachary Taylor’s Birthday (1784)
November 25
National Parfait Day
    Flossing Day
November 26
National Shopping Reminder Day
    Thanksgiving Day (USA)
November 27
National Pins and Needles Day
    National Bavarian Cream Pie Day
November 28
Make Your Own Head Day
    French Toast Day
    Red Planet Day





Pronunciation:  \WILL-ih-waw\




Definition of WILLIWAW


1 a: a sudden violent gust of cold land air common along mountainous coasts of high latitudes b : a sudden violent wind
2: a violent commotion





The sailors had all heard stories of ships capsized by the williwaws that plagued the strait.

"… he could see the downdraft kicking up sea spray and moving straight toward his airplane as

he taxied on the water, a sign the williwaw was powerful."

— Scott Christiansen, The Kodiak (Alaska) Daily Mirror, 14 Sept. 2007



In 1900, Captain Joshua Slocum described williwaws as "compressed gales of wind … that Boreas

handed down over the hills in chunks." To unsuspecting sailors or pilots, such winds might seem

to come out of nowhere—just like word williwaw did some 170 years ago. All anyone knows about

the origin of the word is that it was first used by writers in the mid-1800s to name fierce winds in

the Strait of Magellan at the southern tip of South America. The writers were British, and

indications are that they may have learned the word from British sailors and seal hunters.

Where these sailors and hunters got the word, we cannot say.

Test Your Vocabulary:


What 6-letter word begins with "b" and ends in "r" and can be used as a form of informal

address (like buddy) or, in Australia, can refer to a sudden violent wind coming from the south?


The answer is …











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VacaShopping for the Holidays

Don't you need some new decorations for all of the upcoming holidays?

Just think of all the VacaDude ornaments!

Check them all out at VacaDude's CafePress store! Support our beloved artist/broadcaster/friend!

Don't Forget the Dude's Spoonflower Page, too!

His fabrics would be great for summer outfits!!


Eric has discontinued the sales of all his books and merchandise.

  The Molly Fans Cookbook was also offered through this website, so if you didn't get a copy

 of that and want one, let DotRot know and she'll do what she can to make it available to you.