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July 12, 2015


More graphics and buttons, courtesy of VacaDude, coming soon!





Broadcast Schedule


Today!!! Sunday, July 12, 2015
No Story Writing!
We'll write again on August 2.
No VacaChat Broadcast.
The chatroom will be open at 6:00 PM PST (9:00 PM EST; 8:00 PM CST)
Upcoming!!! Sunday, July 19, 2015
No Story Writing!
We'll write again on August 2.
No VacaChat Broadcast.
The chatroom will be open at 6:00 PM PST (9:00 PM EST; 8:00 PM CST)

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Channel Links


Channel Links
The pop-out chat link no longer uses the old style chat. However, it is still a nice way to save on memory and be able to refresh without losing both chat and video.

The easiest way to do this is to open the pop-out chat in a browser window. Log in. (Type a period in the chat line—hit enter. This will open the login screen.) Size this chat window to equal about 1/3 of your desktop space.

Then open a new window or tab (Ctrl-T or Ctrl-N in most browsers) and use it to open the pop-out video. If you opened a new tab, you can then click on the tab and drag it to an open space on your desktop. Size it to about 2/3 of your desktop space beside the chat.

Now you have both open and can refresh one without disturbing the other. You can resize either without resizing the other.

I hope this helps.
If you want to view the chat or video in pop-out screens, use the links below. Some find that this places less stress on their computer and/or its memory.
Video: http://www.ustream.tv/channel-popup/vacadude


Chat: http://www.ustream.tv/channel-room/3506056


If you use the pop-out links, it is recommended that you open two browser windows. That way, if one needs to be refreshed, the other is not affected.


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Important News


Our Furred, Feathered, and Scaled Babies
We will soon have a new feature on the VacaNews website. Send us pictures of you and your pets. We'll have a page featuring all our animal family members. Send them to vacachatb@gmail.com. Make sure you include your chat name and your pet's name. You can also include your real name and location if you want to.

I've only gotten photos from a few people. (The new page will be posted soon—just waiting on some graphics from TheDude.) Surely more chatters have pets that they'd like to show to the world!
It's REALLY Gonna Happen
The 5th Anniversary International MOD Meet!!!

It has been confirmed! Carlos and Donna will be attending.

VacaChat Broadcast Changes
Look here for any changes to upcoming broadcasts.

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  A Note From the Dude   Chatter
  A Note from the Dude    Chatter News    Prayer
  Vaca Blog   



  Hello Vriends,  
Happy Sunday to you all! It is a relatively cooler weekend here than it has been--only getting into the mid 80s. Mary and I had been considering trying to get to the State Fair today, but our to-do lists piled up, and I wasn't sure how far I could get on my foot anyway. We've been wanting to go because of this being the centennial of the PPIE, but also due to the fact that neither of us has ever been to the Fair. We may try again later--it is running through the 26th. We may instead try to take-in a movie tonight. Maybe something Jurassic, or Inside/Outside...or maybe something shaky like Andreas.

The foot is doing a bit better this week. The allopurinol the clinic doctor prescribed seems to be helping, and my brain seems to have adapted to it a bit so that I don't feel so loopy after taking it. I still need to hook up with a doctor so that I can get a blood test done. Still working under the assumption that I have high uric acid levels, and making the adjustments to my diet. I've gotten to the point where I can get my sandal back on, and one of these days I may get really brave and attempt a shoe. But at least walking is easier now, and I haven't had to use the cane for several days.

Big week coming up spacewise--the New Horizons probe is due to go whizzing by Pluto on Tuesday. Look for pictures to show up in the days to follow. Signals take over four and a half hours to get to Earth, and the transmission rates are very slow, due to the distance and subsequent weakness of the signal, so it is going to be an agonizing wait. However, there have already been some amazing images coming from that neck of the solar system. There are some very unique and puzzling surface markings on Pluto!

On Friday I finally got the 3D printer packed up and shipped back to XYZprinting. Repackaging that beast was an all-day affair. I am so glad I took a lot of pictures of it as I was unpacking it--I would have never figured out how to get it back together. I wanted to make sure it gets back to them none the worse for wear.
And yes, I have been having printer withdrawals. I keep thinking of things I want to print, and I can't do it. So now comes the process of looking at what is out there and making a purchase. I am mostly convinced that I want to do a kit, and to look for a system that is very open and hackable. Unfortunately, though I had a lot of fun with the XYZprinters, their product line is pretty proprietary. (Meaning, it is a closed box, and is not friendly to modifications after purchase.) I want a printer that I can modify and swap out various components on. My dream goal is to do what I saw a few folks doing at the last Maker-Faire, and that was to create a machine that would allow you to swap out the printer head and put different attachments on. You would use the same motor/frame assembly that moves the print platform through XYZ space, but instead of a plastic printing extruder head, you could substitute a router and have it carve wood under computer control. Or perhaps a laser engraver, or a foam cutter, or woodburner--the possibilities are endless!

And now that the printer is gone, I can focus on the goals of getting the vapor chamber operational, completing my painting platform, and start getting the replication process ironed-out for bobbleheads and figurines. I know it has been a long road, but the wheels are still turning!

Speaking of which, I've got my new fan rig in clamps out there, and I need to get some more work in on it before the temperatures in the garage get too toasty. So until next time, have a great week!
Cheers, VacaDude


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Chatter News


  Sharoot Sharoot's featured pictures can be found at the end of each newsletter, under Photos of the Week. She says that since they are located at the end, then "Sharoot's the Caboose!"

Today Sharoot shares with us some pictures of their trip to Northern California.
    "Yep, it’s me and the Dude after having lunch at the Black Bear Diner.  Just a note for those of you who have not met him… he really is just as cute in person."  
  Elsalynda Elsalynda's latest column entitled Nature in the City: Waltham in Spring, is available online here:

  We'd love to include more news of VacaChatters. If you have something you'd like to share (something about you or your family) or if you know of exciting news about another chatter that they're just too shy to share, please send it to us! (We won’t run it without that chatter’s permission, however.)  


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  Jes Jes has requested prayers. This last week one of her longest friends from school passed away suddenly. Jes is also facing some rather daunting medical tests and procedures. She is, of course, worried and stressed, and in need of all our prayers and healing vibes.  
  KSBorn KSBorn has sent us an update. She writes, "I’m still in the midst of chemo and hormone blocker every day. In 2008 I had breast cancer and it returned July 2014 same breast cancer in my lung now and 2 lymph nodes positive. I’m getting ready to have a surgery to get a port. I will probably be on chemo for life. I have numerous tests monthly.
Thank you so much for the prayers and please continue."
  Marilyn Crabb UPDATE:  Hi! I survived six months of chemotherapy. I'll have my breast tumor and left axillary nodes removed on Friday, Feb. 13. Radiation will be next. Please pray that the surgeon does a good job and all my cancer is removed!  
My screen name was/is MarilynLA on UStream.  (Marilyn from Los Angeles)
  Littleguys  UPDATE:  Littleguys', aka Carlynne's, recovery has gone well.  She sends her apologies for missing VacaChat but Ustream won't allow her to chat...or even see chat.  She gets to post in MollyMovieNight on Fridays in Ustream, but that uses the Social Stream part of Ustream.  And occasionally she posts in the Social Stream part of VacaChat, just to say hi.  So we may not see her, but she does think of us.  
  Elsalynda Keep Elsalynda in your prayers as she struggles with health, computer and weather related issues.  
  GentleDoe Latest update  from GentleDoe (as of 6/14).

As of this past Thursday, DSS has moved my parents to Summer's Landing assisted living sharing a room together. This coming Thursday, June 18th, there will be a merit hearing. I have sent my South Carolina lawyer the Care Plan for my mother to be returned to me. Ms McDaniel with DSS and the judge will be reviewing it.

My sister continues to keep making allegations against me which keeps me busy answering them all of the time. South Carolina does not require a person to prove their allegations but the person who is accused must prove their innocence! Guess South Carolina law is you are guilty until you prove your innocent!

Please keep me in prayer with the merit hearing. My lawyer has recommended that I be there for that hearing to be able to talk to the judge on my behalf. Also, please be in much prayer that somehow my sister will stop with all of this. I only want my parents to be able to live the rest of their lives in their own home or at least with me and all of us to have peace and stop all of these legal battles.

Prayer is also needed that I can find someone to care for my birds until I can return. There is so much I have to do and so little time to do it. I have to get all of my documentation for both the allegations my sister has against me and for DSS with the care plan for my mother (and possibly my father).

Love you all,
  Shari in Memphis UPDATE!!! We heard from Shari last week. She is now on the VacaNews mailing list, so we'll be able to keep in touch with her more easily. She tells us, "Hi guys! Shari in Memphis is alive. I've been having tons of health problems, so that's tons of doc appointments! I have moved to northern Arkansas, for health reasons, and looking forward to hub moving up here in a couple of years, when he retires. It's gorgeous in the country, and I love that we were able to find a place on a stream. Lots of wild animals around! I miss you all.
Shari (no longer in Memphis) (Shari Sides on FB)"
  Thank you for your prayers and good thoughts for owl our wonderful VacaFamily members!  If you have any prayer requests, updates or news of answered prayers, please let us know. Email us with the information so it can be included in the next newsletter.  


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Check out VacaDude's blog! Don't forget to send VacaDude your comments to let him know how much you appreciate him, his time & his talent! (No recent updates)



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  A Message
from Zorro
              Recipe of the Week   

A Message
from Zorro



  Hello there, Everbuddy!  
Zorro the Mouse, here. Well, today was supposed to be our day at the State Fair, but the Dude tired out again. Too bad--I was looking forward to sampling some of those yummy foods from the different regions of California. Hopefully we can make it there in the next few days. I just need to steer clear of the wildlife area--I think they have some raptors on display. I want to go to the Fair and sample the foods--not BE sampled!

These cooler days have meant that I and the Dude can spend a little bit longer of the day in the workshop. So we're working on finishing the vapor chamber thingie, and a few other projects--some the Dude knows about, and some that it would probably be best that he not be informed of just yet.

And this weekend Comic-Con is going on in San Diego. Another one that we didn't get to go to. It sure sounds like they have been having some really fun panels! I always like the dressing-up part of it. One of these times I would like to go dressed as a human--just to mess with peoples' heads.

Well, it is time to get busy here. Out to the workshop I go!
  Yours Most Whiskerly,


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StoryTime News


  Next StoryTime Sunday, August 2
3:00 PM PST/6:00 PM EST
Title TBA
Invitation We need story writers! Please consider dropping in and checking out the fun we have writing the stories. Honestly, it's not at all difficult to join in and you'll surely be glad you did.


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If anyone wants to request a recipe or a recipe category, just email me.


Today I bring you two more tasty low-carb dishes.



Low-Carb Scotcharoos


Bottom Layer
   3 cups unsweetened coconut flakes
   ½ cup butter
   ½ cup natural sugar free peanut butter
   1 cup Splenda (or ¼ cup Stevia blend)
   2/3 cup vanilla whey protein powder
Top Layer
1 cup coconut oil
   2 teaspoons cocoa powder
   3 tablespoons Splenda (or 2¼ teaspoons Stevia blend)


Prepare a 10x7-inch baking pan by lining it with foil with an overhang on each of the long sides. Press the foil into the corners and smooth the surface.

Place the coconut flakes into a wide dry skillet and, over low heat, cook and stir for about 3 minutes until the coconut flakes begin to brown lightly around the edges. Set aside to cool.

In a large microwaveable bowl, microwave the butter and peanut butter for 30 seconds or until melted. Stir to combine, then add in the sweetener and whey protein powder. Stir again until completely combined. Add in the coconut flakes until they are coated.

Use a spatula to press the coconut mixture into the pan, then lay a piece of plastic wrap on top (so your fingers do not stick to the mixture). Press to compact the mixture and get it into the corners. Smooth the top as flat as possible. Leave the plastic wrap on top, and let the dessert chill in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

In a ceramic bowl, melt the coconut oil in the microwave and combine with cocoa powder and sweetener.

Pour the chocolate layer over the peanut butter layer. Make sure the chocolate layer completely covers the peanut butter layer.

Chill in freezer for 10 minutes, and then these scotcharoos are ready to serve. Cut into 24 pieces. Enjoy!


5.1 g of carbohydrates per piece 


Blackened Tilapia


1 pound tilapia fillets
Vegetable oil
Spice Rub:
   3 tablespoons paprika
   1 tablespoon onion powder
   1 pinch garlic powder
   1 teaspoon cayenne pepper, or to taste
   1 teaspoon dried oregano
   1 teaspoon dried thyme
   ½ teaspoon celery seed
   1 tablespoon salt, or to taste
   1 lemon


Start by making your rub. Combine paprika, onion powder, garlic powder, cayenne, dried oregano, dried thyme, celery seed, and salt and mix together.

Take your tilapia and gently dab with a paper towel to remove some of the moisture.

Cover generously with your spice rub, making sure to press it in with your finger tips.

Gently shake off any extra rub and set aside. You can let the rubbed fish rest at room temperature for up to 20 minutes.

Now heat a skillet over medium heat for 5 minutes, add in a tablespoon of oil, turn to coat the pan, and immediately add in your tilapia. The pan is hot enough if you hear it sizzle when you drop the tilapia. Cook on one side for about 2-3 minutes. Flip it over, add in a another half tablespoon of oil, and cook for another 2 minutes, or until the fish is cooked through. The tilapia will be opaque and can be flaked with a fork.

Remove the tilapia from the pan, squeeze lemon juice generously over it, and serve immediately!

If you do not make a full pound of tilapia, place any unused rub in an airtight container and save for another day.

2 g. carbohydrates per fillet



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  Owl Cams     Other Nature Cams   Video Picks of the Week   Inspiration  
      Other Bird Cams               



Owl Cams


  Barn Owls  

Nicassio Owl Box
Salt and Pepper

  HOP - MAGC Barn Owls http://www.ustream.tv/channel/magc-owls  

Mel and Sydney


Felix Neck Owl Cam
Martha’s Vineyard

  The Owl Cam http://www.ustream.tv/owlchannel  

Barn Owls in
Minden, Nevada


Port of Stockton
Barn Owl Cams


Hosted by Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Located in Texas


First Owlet hatching:
  Other Owls  
   Lake Okeechobee,
OwlGuy is now broadcasting again as Mrs. Barred Owl laid her first egg of the season on January 18.

  Savannah Bird Cam
    @ The Landings

Eastern Screech Owl
    Houston, Texas

  The Caring Owl
   in South Africa

PPO (Potted Plant Owl)
in South Africa



Alessondra’s Owl Cam
in Oklahoma City


Three owlets:  Java, Malaya and Caspian have all fledged.

Old style chat link: http://www.ustream.tv/channel-room/10626225

Rusty and Iris
in Houston, Minnesota



Burrowing Owls
Tri-Cities, Washington

  Project Snow Storm http://www.projectsnowstorm.org/  


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  Shetland Islands Puffins http://www.shetland.org/puffincam/  

Sea Island, Maine
Puffin Burrow


Sea Island, Maine
Puffin Loafing Ledge


These pages also contain links to numerous other nature cams.

Southwest Florida Eagles



Black Eagle
South Africa


We have a new chick!!!

Decorah Eagles
Decorah, Iowa


Berry College Eagle Cam
Mt. Berry, Georgia

  Peregrine Falcons  

PA Falcon Cam
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania


Commerce Tower Peregrines
Kansas City, Missouri


Cam not live now but should be returning soon.

Pitt Peregrine Falcon
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


Gulf Tower Peregrine Falcon
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


Emily Falcon Cam
Caloundra, Australia


Rochester, New York

  Talking Birds  

Watch the Birdie
Bibi, the African Gray


Talking Parakeet

  Other Birds  
  California Condor
   San Diego Zoo Safari Park
   San Diego, California

KC Zoo Penguin Cam
  Kansas City, MO


Whidbey Island Back Porch
  Whidbey Island, WA
  Rufous hummingbirds and

  other assorted birds


Hellgate Ospreys
Missoula, Montana
Sponsored by Cornell


Ostrich Chicks
(Live Again! New Chicks!)



Streaming Bird Cams
List of many cams


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Other Nature Cams


  San Diego Zoo Pandas

www.sandiegozoo.org (click on live cams)



 Zoo's blogs: 



Twin Pandas at
Zoo Atlanta



Giant Panda Cam
National Zoo
Washington, DC


Kansas City Polar Bears
Nikita and Berlin


Brown Bears and Salmon
Katmai National Park Alaska
(off season- will return)

(lots of other cams at this site, as well)

Black Bears
Ely, Minnesota

  Other Animal and Nature Sites  
  Golden Paw-Prints Classic Golden Retrievers
   Oshkosh, Wisconsin

The puppies have all gone to their forever homes.

San Diego Zoo and Safari Park

  Wild Earth Safari Cam http://www.ustream.tv/channel/wildearth-safaris  

The Pet Collective
(many live cams)


Critter Chat Cams
Multi-Critter Site with Chat



Friends of Felines Rescue Center
Defiance, Ohio


Little House
Prairie Village, Kansas


  CC's Page of Links
(scheduled for updating)


  Other Sites of Interest  
         Mother Owl Takes On Snake—and Wins   
  Ketaki sent this in. She says, "I saw it live when it happened and it was so fast. It's too bad she didn't kill it and feed to the owlets. They could have used the food, and the snake, a rat snake, is non-venomous. But she was intent on protection. They run it in slow motion at the end so you can see her, and the inset window shows the snake coming down from the top."   
  This Bird Song Collection Will Get You In Tune With Nature   
  Help in Identifying Birds  
Try www.whatbird.com It's helps identify lots of birds.
      Secrets of the Snowy Owl  
   Meet Zeus  
  Some Interesting Information About Someone We All Know Well  
  International Space Station Links  
  During a recent broadcast the Dude talked about the websites where one can view the spacestation and the view that the astronauts have. Here are the links:

This one has the map, but no chat.

This site has a chat room.
  A Swimming Owl  
This came to us from windbeneathwing.

Swimming owl caught on video


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Video Picks
of the Week


Baby Goat Desperate to Headbutt a Horse




Snowball—Another One Bites the Dust



Loca, the Pug…The Pug That Couldn't Run"



The Cat & The Ducklings



Baby Weasels Following Mom



Freaky Flowers

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Inspiration or
Things to Make
You Think

Homeless Man Plays Piano Beautifully





McQueen Has No Hands!




(It's a little late.)






Plankton. A Thank You Would Be Nice



One Decision


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    Fun Animations and Pictures   Photos of
the Week
    Zorro's Word of the Week  
  Just for the
Fun of It 

Kyle's Jokes of the Week





Burlap Owl Ornament




Golden Wire Wrapped Owl Pendant




Kyle Treat Boxes




Mice Guys




Animal Snacks to Make With Kids





Cheesy Meaty Owls




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Fun Animations
and Pictures


Ready! Set! Wheeeee!



Bathroom Surprise!



I Wonder What a Lime Tastes Like?



Remember That Scene From Jurassic Park?



Tug of War Referee




Who Ordered the Fish To Go?



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Photos of the Week


From the Dude

One of the Dude's bee photos


"I've been trying for three days, and that was from this morning.

I learned a bit about bees in the process--they don't like to hover in the sun

(probably overheat), but they will do it more in the early morning.

So I went out this morning so when the sun was shining, but the air was still cool.

Then they were a bit more likely to hover over the flowers."



Sharoot's Caboose


Sharoot shares,


This one is of Heermann’s Gulls taken at Black Sands Beach in Shelter Cove, CA.  It was just them and us….




here’s the beach,



This Red Tailed Hawk in Honeydew, CA was holding a scrumpy grub in his talons.




  Kyle's well known among his friends for his "triple groaner" riddles and jokes.
Now he shares them with VacaFamily. Enjoy!
What did the pig say on a hot summer day?
I'm bacon!
Why are gulls named seagulls?
If they were by the bay, they'd be bagels.
Which knight is never killed in battle?
Sir Vivor.
  A new young bride calls her mother in tears. She sobs, "Robert doesn’t appreciate what I do for him." "Now, now," her mother comforted, "I am sure it was all just a misunderstanding." "No, mother," the young woman laments. "I bought a frozen turkey loaf and he yelled at me about the price." "Well, that is being miserly," the mother agreed, "Those turkey rolls are only a few dollars "No, mother it wasn’t the price of the turkey roll, it was the airplane ticket "Airplane ticket? What did you need an airplane ticket for "Well, mother, when I went to fix it, I looked at the directions on the back and it said, "Prepare from a frozen state." So I flew to Alaska."
I was sitting in a cafeteria recently, having ordered coffee and a donut. Next to me was a woman who was engrossed in her newspaper. One of the headlines blared: "12 Brazilian Soldiers Killed." She shook her head at the sad news. Then, turning to me, she asked, "How many is a Brazilian?"
  Upcoming Holidaze!  
  July 9-15
   Nude Recreation Week
July 12

   National Pecan Pie Day
   Different Colored Eyes Day
   Simplicity Day
July 13
Fool's Paradise Day
   Bean ‘n’ Franks Day
   National French Fries Day
   National Embrace Your Inner Geekness Day
   Cow Appreciation Day
   Barbershop Music Appreciation Day
July 14
National Nude Day
   Bastille Day
   Pandemonium Day
   Gerald R. Ford’s Birthday (1913)
July 15
National Tapioca Pudding Day
   National Respect Canada Day
   Gummi Worm Day
July 16
International Juggling Day
   Get Out of the Doghouse Day
   National Corn Fritter Day
   National Personal Chef Day
July 17
National Peach Ice Cream Day
   Yellow Pig Day
July 18
National Caviar Day



Zorro's Word
of the Week



Pronunciation:   \SHPRAHKH-guh-fuel\




Definition of SPRACHGEFÜHL


1: the character of a language
2: an intuitive sense of what is linguistically appropriate




One review of the book praised the author's sprachgefühl and her graceful, literary style.

"Robert Dankoff patiently taught me Ottoman Turkish, attempting to instill in me Sprachgefühl,

and carefully corrected every inaccurate transliteration and translation that I insisted he read."

— Marc David Baer, Honored by the Glory of Islam, 2008




Sprachgefühl was borrowed into English from German at the end of the 19th century and combines

two German nouns, Sprache, meaning "language, speech," and Gefühl, meaning "feeling."

(Nouns are capitalized in German, and you'll occasionally see sprachgefühl capitalized in English too, as in our second example.)

We're quite certain that the quality of sprachgefühl is common among our readers, but the word

itself is rare, making only occasional appearances in our language.



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VacaShopping for Summer

Don't you need some new fun stuff for summer? How about a Vaca flying disc?

Or a Vaca water bottle? Or some new Vaca T-shirts?

VacaDude’s creations are perfect for summer fun.

Check them all out at VacaDude's CafePress store! Support our beloved artist/broadcaster/friend!


Don't Forget the Dude's Spoonflower Page, too!

His fabrics would be great for summer outfits!!



Eric has discontinued the sales of all his books and merchandise.

  The Molly Fans Cookbook was also offered through this website, so if you didn't get a copy

 of that and want one, let DotRot know and she'll do what she can to make it available to you.