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May 31, 2015
More graphics and buttons, courtesy of VacaDude, coming soon!
Broadcast Schedule |
Channel Links |
Important News |
Broadcast Schedule |
Today!!! Sunday, May 31, 2015 |
No Story Writing We'll write again on June 7 |
No VacaChat Broadcast.
The chatroom will be open at 6:00 PM PST (9:00 PM EST; 8:00 PM CST) |
Upcoming!!! Sunday, June 7, 2015 |
Story Writing! Join us to write a new story! |
VacaChat Broadcast.
Plan on joining in on all the fun and hilarity. |
Channel Links |
Channel Links |
The pop-out chat link still uses the old style chat.
If you do not like the changes Ustream has made to chat, use the pop-out
link. The easiest way to do this is to open the pop-out chat in a browser window. Log in. (Type a period in the chat line—hit enter. This will open the login screen.) Size this chat window to equal about 1/3 of your desktop space. Then open a new window or tab (Ctrl-T or Ctrl-N in most browsers) and use it to open the pop-out video. If you opened a new tab, you can then click on the tab and drag it to an open space on your desktop. Size it to about 2/3 of your desktop space beside the chat. Now you have both open and can refresh one without disturbing the other. You can resize either without resizing the other. I hope this helps. |
VacaChannel |
http://www.ustream.tv/channel/vacadude |
Pop-Out |
If you want to view the chat or video in pop-out screens, use the links below. Some find that this places less stress on their computer and/or its memory. |
Video: http://www.ustream.tv/channel-popup/vacadude |
If you use the pop-out links, it is recommended that you open two browser windows. That way, if one needs to be refreshed, the other is not affected. |
Important News |
Our Furred, Feathered, and Scaled Babies |
We will soon have a new feature on the VacaNews
website. Send us pictures of you and your pets. We'll have a page
featuring all our animal family members. Send them to
vacachatb@gmail.com. Make sure
you include your chat name and your pet's name. You can also include
your real name and location if you want to. I've only gotten photos from a few people. (The new page will be posted soon—just waiting on some graphics from TheDude.) Surely more chatters have pets that they'd like to show to the world! |
It's REALLY Gonna Happen |
The 5th Anniversary International MOD Meet!!! It has been confirmed! Carlos and Donna will be attending. http://www.modmeet.com/ |
VacaChat Broadcast Changes |
February's story writing and broadcast will be delayed until February 8 due to the Super Bowl (and Puppy Bowl) on February 1. |
Chatter News |
A Note from the Dude | Chatter News |
Prayer Requests |
Vaca Blog |
Hello Vriends, | ||
I hope everyone is having a great week, and if you are in the
South, I hope you are staying high and dry. Terrible what has
been happening in Texas and the surrounding areas. I have
checked with my old college buddy who lives in San Antonio, and
their house is on high enough ground, thank goodness. And oh,
how I wish there were some way we could take all that excess H2O
and bring it out here to California. That would solve two
problems at the same time.
I am having to write this a few days early, so by the time you read this (if you read it on Sunday), we will be finishing our time at the San Francisco Silent Film Festival with a 1916 version of "Sherlock Holmes." This should be amazing--it was a film that was considered lost for many years, but some recently discovered footage was added in, and now they have what is a largely complete print--and it is going to have its premiere at the Castro Theater on Sunday night. It stars William Gillette as the sleuth, in his only time on film. He was considered to be THE premiere interpreter of Holmes on the stage. We're really looking forward to that! We are going to be in SF all weekend long, and tonight (Thursday) we kick off our festival with "All Quiet on the Western Front" from 1930. (As this came out right around the time that "talkies" began, this film was prepared as both a sync-sound print and a silent--for those theaters that had not had a chance to switch over to sound equipment yet. So we are seeing the silent version, though with live accompaniment, as the kick-off to this year's festival.) Last Sunday I turned the final screws on my Acetone Bath Vapor Chamber, and hooked up the motor to my lovely magnetic gears. I hooked up the power and flipped the switch. I think I am going to name my creation the SuperNova. No, it did not blow up...but it did remind me of a cautionary tale from long ago... You see, in the annals of marketing and advertising, there is a cautionary tale--perhaps you've heard of it--that pertains to Chevrolet (the US automaker). In the 1960s, Chevy scaled-down one of their muscle cars and came up with a model to which they gave the moniker of the Nova. Now, I never owned one, nor do I think I ever rode in one, but so far as I know they were a fine little car. Then came time to market these Novas to our neighbors to the south, in Mexico and South America. This caused some people to snicker. At first General Motors didn't get it, until somebody pointed out that in Spanish, the word "va" means to go. And "no" means no. So this car was the No-Va, which literally translated to No Go. Great--they named their car for a immobile object. Now, this story has been somewhat of an urban legend, and some say it has been debunked...but still. And so my Vapor Chamber is a Nova. And given that I so grossly over-engineered the thing, I am going to call it the Supernova. The motor I am using is underpowered, so I have to give it a spin to get it going. (Maybe I install a crank, just like the old Ford Model-T?) That's a problem, since it is supposed to be all sealed up. So I'd have to hit the switch, give it a spin, and then screw the access panel back onto the unit. And hope it doesn't stop...but it does stop. You see, it spins for a while, but it spins too fast. The magnets can't keep up, and they get out of sync. Soon the push and pull of the magnetic fields bring the whole thing to a halt. I think I would need a motor with a gearbox to reduce the turning speed. I have been tweaking and trying different things all week, and the best I have managed has been a sustained spin of about five minutes. But it always goes Nova. So I'm throwing in the towel. Going to direct shaft method. I'll mount the motor on top, drill through the cabinet and insert a long shaft to the fan. In the interface between inside and outside the chamber, I'll create a plug that I can pack with cotton or wool batting--that will prevent the fumes from escaping the chamber. It's the same technology that mariners use when building inboard motor boats. The shaft can spin, but the batting keeps the water out of the boat. It won't be as elegant as my original design, but I know this would work. Oh, and I've got to try using gears instead of a pulley system with rubber bands. Clearly in the use of magnetic gears, the engineering tolerances are a bit more tricky than my "seat of the pants" approach could provide. If I spent several weeks on this, I could probably get it going (and I may in fact go back to it and try again later). But the fact is, I'm running out of time. I just need the fan to work. When I get back to it on Monday, I will be in my final week of the loaner period for the most recent printer. Oh well. A few days of silent movies will help clear my head, and I'll be ready to jump back into it on Monday. So anyway, have a great week, everyone--and I'll be talking to you next weekend, when we have the next installment of VacaChat! (June 7). |
Cheers, VacaDude | ||
Chatter News |
Sharoot | Sharoot's featured pictures can be found
at the end of each newsletter, under Photos of the
Week. She says that since they are located at the end, then "Sharoot's
the Caboose!" Today Sharoot shares pictures of her visit to the Magnolia Plantation and Gardens in Charleston, SC. She has also shared more about her Harris's Sparrow that visited a few months ago. You can read about that here. |
Elsalynda | Elsalynda's latest column entitled Nature in the
City: May Is Lush With Life, is available online here: http://waltham.wickedlocal.com/article/20150520/NEWS/150529957 Elsa also tells us that she has had a poem selected for publication. She says she is very excited to be a part of this book and feels like a poet in good company, with known authors. Her poem on Great Horned Owls has a page with a beautiful photo opposite. Her writing group helped her with this piece. The book, Secrets of Wisdom by Joyce Gerrish, is now available at Amazon. |
Ketaki | Ketaki shares this wonderful story with us: | ||
Hi All, I am grinning from ear to ear. While making my coffee, I looked out the window, per usual, and saw a hummer, hunkered down, clinging for all it was worth to my feeder's perch. I watched for a few moments, got distracted by the blustery wind stirring up dust devils, watching the seed feeders at 45° angle being blown sideways... I looked back at the feeder, and hummer was still there. Another male flew in and tried to "attack" this clearly unhappy hummer, so I went out to see what was up. It was a cold nite, last nite for migrating, tired hummers. It was in the barely 40's, with the rain and wind, felt like in the 30's. I wasn't surprised that this hummer looked clearly exhausted, as they are still migrating in. I gently picked him up, he huddled into my palm. I stayed in the sun for a few moments thinking he'd want to fly, but no. He liked where he was. I brought him into the house, checked him out, wings were drooped, no glisten to his eyes. By this time he rested his beak on my thumb, and just sat there, very quietly. So I snuck in a few photos. One handed, I got the hummer food out from fridge, warmed a small portion in microwave to room temperature, found an eyedropper, and gave him a drop. Oh, my, he was so hungry. I watched as he drank, drop after drop off my skin, placing each drop either on the end of his beak or on my skin where he rested his beak. I was enjoying watching his little tongue sipping at the food droplets. Then took a couple more pix. I eventually got tired of putting drops on my thumb and offered the sugar water straight from the dropper. He drank and drank and drank. I finally said, ok. you are sated for now, just rest. I finished making my coffee, making several trips to my chair, carrying the dropper, coffee (now approaching thermal equilibrium with the room), turned on the PC, all while he was sitting in the palm of my hand. Eventually, he started perking up and moved to the edge of my hand and pooped. That made me happy, from that motion, I got the sense he was a juvie. He still looked small to me, his beak wasn't as long as the pix I looked at on line. Offering him some more to drink, every 5 minutes or so, figuring he would stop when he was full. He seemed to love the warmth from my hand, perked up some more, re-arranged himself to the edge of my palm again, and pooped. He probably drank at least 3/4 ml of food, in total. I was beginning to think he would burst! After about an hour of tending him and reading about re-habbing hummers, he fluttered his wings! He was good to go. He looked around, very perky, head up, he moved to edge of my palm, then hopped to my shirt, so I had to quickly cover him with other hand. He came back to my palm, fluttered again, so I carried him back outside, back into the sun. He hopped back on my shirt, buzz-fluttered his wings, and off he went up into the trees! Bye bye, little one, you made my heart soar! Be well! I'm still smiling from ear to ear! Happy for this little one! He's made my whole day! |
We'd love to include more news of VacaChatters. If you have something you'd like to share (something about you or your family) or if you know of exciting news about another chatter that they're just too shy to share, please send it to us! (We won’t run it without that chatter’s permission, however.) | |||
KSBorn | Does anyone have an update? KSBorn was in regression for lymphoma and breast cancer. It has since returned and she's going for Chemo now. She and her doctors are attacking it vigorously and she needs our prayers. She needs our prayers for healing, for the Lord to guide her doctors, and for the peace and strength as she undergoes the treatment. | ||
VacaDude and his cousin, Kevin | UPDATE: WONDERFUL NEWS!!!!! "Our family got some news this last week from my cousin Kevin, and it was wonderful: the latest tests show that he is in full remission!! So I'd like to thank you all for your thoughts and prayers; it meant a lot to me and to Kevin. If you could extend a few of those prayers to his mother Irene, I would really appreciate it. In a cruel twist of fate, Kevin's mom was diagnosed with lymphoma--very similar to Kevin's--that was located in her abdomen. Last I heard, she was responding well to the chemo. Apparently it made for some lively chemo treatment sessions--mother and son in together! They have always been a fun family, and I really hope Irene pulls through as well." | ||
TheDaddyBird and family | TDB is home! He is doing great! All the
doctors and nurses are thrilled and amazed at his progress. (One doc
said TDB will be their new poster boy.) He's still got a ways to go in
his recovery, but being home is helping a lot. CC has appointed herself his personal home health nurse. I am VERY proud of her. Thank you, everyone, for your prayers and well wishes. I saved every email and message to show to him when he came home. He's not made it through all of them yet, but he is so very overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and care. CC's Aunt Valerie (Dot's brother's—aka Uncle Santa—wife) knee replacement went wonderfully. They sent her home a day early because she was doing so well. Her grandchildren have all been busy playing nursemaid. |
Marilyn Crabb | UPDATE:
Hi! I survived six months of chemotherapy. I'll have my breast
tumor and left axillary nodes removed on Friday, Feb. 13. Radiation will
be next. Please pray that the surgeon does a good job and all my cancer
is removed! My screen name was/is MarilynLA on UStream. (Marilyn from Los Angeles) |
Littleguys | UPDATE: Littleguys', aka Carlynne's, recovery has gone well. She sends her apologies for missing VacaChat but Ustream won't allow her to chat...or even see chat. She gets to post in MollyMovieNight on Fridays in Ustream, but that uses the Social Stream part of Ustream. And occasionally she posts in the Social Stream part of VacaChat, just to say hi. So we may not see her, but she does think of us. | ||
Caboval | Joey has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. Please keep Caboval in your prayers. | ||
Elsalynda | Keep Elsalynda in your prayers as she struggles with health, computer and weather related issues. | ||
GentleDoe | We received this from GentleDoe last week. (We're
waiting for an update.) VacaFamily, My mother was kidnapped by a cousin and taken to my sister approximately 10 days ago. Last Sunday I called for a welfare check and was told both my parents were on their way to the hospital. Dad had within the past week of my welfare check had a series of mini strokes and had not received care. My mother had fallen and hit the back of her head. On Wednesday morning I was contacted by my SC lawyer and informed both my parents were under DSS protection. An emergency hearing was held that afternoon and both my parents are still in the hospital until a decision is made. I understand DSS has my sister cited for neglect at this time but will know more once I speak with my lawyer tomorrow. I am flying back to Columbia this evening so that I can be there for the hearing scheduled for Tuesday, May 19th at 11 or 11:30 am my sister has for guardian/conservatorship for my mother and charging me with stealing money. Please keep me in prayer, my family and the court. I have asked my lawyer to file for guardian/conservatorship for BOTH parents on my behalf. I do not want my parents to be "put" in a state home with no one to visit or be there for them. I love my parents dearly and want them to be as happy as they can be and hopefully where they want to spend the rest of their lives. I want to be with them and for them to know that I love them and will always be there for them. Thank you and my VacaFamily for the prayers for me and this situation. Hugs, GentleDoe |
Shari in Memphis | Has anyone gotten any updates from Shari? | ||
Thank you for your prayers and good thoughts for owl our wonderful VacaFamily members! If you have any prayer requests, updates or news of answered prayers, please let us know. Email us with the information so it can be included in the next newsletter. | |||
Check out VacaDude's blog! Don't forget to send VacaDude your comments to let him know how much you appreciate him, his time & his talent! |
http://vacadude.wordpress.com/ |
Message from Zorro |
StoryTime News |
StoryTime Archives |
Recipe of the Week |
A Message from Zorro |
Hello there, Everbuddy! | ||
Your old buddy Zorro here. As you may have heard, the
Dude has been having some trouble installing the air
conditioning in my apartment. (He still thinks he is
going to use the box for his sassytone vapor thingies,
but I'm thinking different. I hope I'm right, because
the installer is supposed to be here next week to hook
up my cable!) Oh well. Sometimes the more you try to
overthink something, the more wrong you can get it. I
sometimes think that the reason we tend to have a bit of
a weight problem in this household is due to our steady
diet of humble pie! ::hee hee::
Well, the Dude and Dudette are just about ready to head to their film festival. I'm hoping he will remember to bring me back some popcorn. (I love popcorn!) I'm not much for the silent films. Silent is not really my style. Let's just say the old phrase "quiet as a church mouse" does not really fit me. I like to hear myself talk too much! Well, I'm hoping to get the carpeting installed in the new apartment before the Dude gets back Sunday night. Boy, won't he be surprised! So I had better get busy with that. So we'll see you all next weekend! |
Yours Most Whiskerly, Zorro |
StoryTime News |
Next StoryTime | Sunday, June 7 3:00 PM PST/6:00 PM EST |
Title | TBA | ||
Invitation | We need story writers! Please consider dropping in and checking out the fun we have writing the stories. Honestly, it's not at all difficult to join in and you'll surely be glad you did. | ||
If anyone wants to request a recipe or a recipe category, just email me.
Linguine with Scallops |
Ingredients | |||
1 pound fresh or frozen scallops
Directions | |||
Thaw scallops, if frozen. Halve any large scallops; set aside. Cook
linguine according to package directions. |
Apple and Onion Chutney |
Ingredients: | |||
4 teaspoons ground ginger |
Ingredients: | |||
Combine all spices in a small bowl and mix well. |
Owl Cams | Other Nature Cams | Video Picks of the Week | Inspiration | |||||||
Other Bird Cams |
Owl Cams |
Puffins | |||||
Shetland Islands Puffins | http://www.shetland.org/puffincam/ | ||||
Sea Island, Maine |
http://explore.org/live-cams/player/puffin-burrow-cam | ||||
Sea Island, Maine |
http://explore.org/live-cams/player/puffin-loafing-ledge-cam These pages also contain links to numerous other nature cams. |
Eagles | |||||
Southwest Florida Eagles
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mi6DdvVbbi8 | ||||
Black Eagle |
http://www.africam.com/wildlife/black_eagle_webcam We have a new chick!!! |
Decorah Eagles |
http://www.ustream.tv/decoraheagles | ||||
Berry College Eagle Cam |
http://www.ustream.tv/channel/berry-eagle-cam | ||||
http://www.pixcontroller.com/eagles/index.htm | |||||
Peregrine Falcons | |||||
PA Falcon Cam |
http://www.pacast.com/players/falcon.asp | ||||
Commerce Tower Peregrines |
http://mdc.mo.gov/discover-nature/wildlife-cameras/peregrine-falcon-web-camera Cam not live now but should be returning soon. |
Pitt Peregrine Falcon |
http://www.aviary.org/PF-NestCam1 | ||||
Gulf Tower Peregrine Falcon |
http://www.aviary.org/PF-NestCam2 | ||||
Falcon Cam |
http://www.ustream.tv/channel/emily-falcon-cam | ||||
RFalconCam |
http://rfalconcam.com/rfc-main/ | ||||
Talking Birds | |||||
Watch the Birdie |
http://www.ustream.tv/channel/Watch-the-Birdie | ||||
Disco |
https://www.youtube.com/user/MsJumpinJude/videos | ||||
Other Birds | |||||
California Condor San Diego Zoo Safari Park San Diego, California |
http://zoo.sandiegozoo.org/cams/condor-cam | ||||
KC Zoo Penguin Cam |
http://www.kansascityzoo.org/penguincam |
Whidbey Island Back Porch other assorted birds |
http://www.ustream.tv/channel/katersch | ||||
Hellgate Ospreys |
http://cams.allaboutbirds.org/channel/27/Hellgate_Ospreys/ | ||||
Ostrich Chicks |
http://www.ustream.tv/channel/ostrich-egg-cam-live | |||
Streaming Bird Cams |
http://www.beakspeak.com/ | ||||
Other Nature Cams |
Pandas | |||||
San Diego Zoo Pandas |
www.sandiegozoo.org (click
on live cams)
http://www.ustream.tv/sandiegozoo. Zoo's
blogs: http://blognew.sandiegozoo.org/category/animals-and-plants/giant-pandas/ |
Twin Pandas at |
Giant Panda Cam |
http://nationalzoo.si.edu/animals/webcams/giant-panda.cfm | ||||
Bears | |||||
Kansas City Polar Bears |
http://www.kctv5.com/category/244581/nikita-berlin-polar-bear-cam | ||||
Brown Bears and Salmon |
http://explore.org/#!/live-cams/player/brown-bear-salmon-cam-brooks-falls (lots of other cams at this site, as well) |
Black Bears |
http://www.bear.org/website/live-cameras/live-cameras/holly-bears-den-cam-live.html | ||||
Other Animal and Nature Sites | |||||
Golden Paw-Prints Classic Golden Retrievers Oshkosh, Wisconsin |
http://www.ustream.tv/channel/golden-retriever-puppy-cam We've got NINE beautiful puppies! |
San Diego Zoo and Safari Park |
http://animals.sandiegozoo.org/ | ||||
Wild Earth Safari Cam | http://www.ustream.tv/channel/wildearth-safaris | ||||
The Pet Collective |
http://www.thepetcollective.tv/livestreams/ | ||||
Critter Chat Cams |
Friends of Felines Rescue
Center |
www.ustream.tv/ffrc | ||||
Little House |
CC's Page of Links (scheduled for updating) |
Other Sites of Interest | |||||
This Bird Song Collection Will Get You In Tune With Nature | |||||
http://www.ba-bamail.com/content.aspx?emailid=15112 | |||||
Help in Identifying Birds | |||||
Try www.whatbird.com It's helps identify lots of birds. | |||||
Secrets of the Snowy Owl | |||||
http://goo.gl/P0trt0 | |||||
Meet Zeus | |||||
http://kittensdaily.com/meet-zeus-blind-owl-gorgeous-eyes/ | |||||
Some Interesting Information About Someone We All Know Well | |||||
http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1511369/ | |||||
International Space Station Links | |||||
During a recent
broadcast the Dude talked about the websites where one can view the
spacestation and the view that the astronauts have. Here are the links: This one has the map, but no chat. http://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/HDEV/ This site has a chat room. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/iss-hdev-payload |
A Swimming Owl | |||||
This came to us
from windbeneathwing. Swimming owl caught on video http://www.foxnews.com/science/2014/12/05/swimming-owl-caught-on-video/ |
Video Picks of the Week |
Nat Geo Wild
Are Crows the Ultimate
Problem Solvers?
The Burrowing Owl's Cozy
Birds of Paradise
Inspiration or Things to Make You Think |
Burrowing Owls
The Backwards Brain Bicycle
Magic of the Snowy Owl
Finding The Speed Of Light With Peeps
Bengal Tigers In Her Garden
Taking Care of Strays
Fun Animations and Pictures |
Photos of the Week |
Zorro's Word of the Week | ||||||||
Just for the Fun of It |
Kyle's Jokes of the Week |
Felt Fabric Owl
Lil' Hoot
Lavender Owl Sachets
Felt Owl Pencil Holder
Easy Little Owl
Pretzel Owls
Fun Animations and Pictures |
(even lazier and laziest will follow)
(lazier and laziest will follow)
Photos of the Week |
From the Dude
One of the Dude's bee photos
"I've been trying for three days, and that was from this morning.
I learned a bit about bees in the process--they don't like to hover in the sun
(probably overheat), but they will do it more in the early morning.
So I went out this morning so when the sun was shining, but the air was still cool.
Then they were a bit more likely to hover over the flowers."
Sharoot's Caboose
Sharoot shares,
Egret Clutch
Great Blue Heron Baby
Great Egret with 1 day old and newly hatched chicks
Alligator Sunbathing
Kyle's well known among his friends for his "triple
groaner" riddles and jokes. Now he shares them with VacaFamily. Enjoy! |
Did you hear about the Hispanic magician who announced that on
the count of three,
he would disappear? He said, "Ready? Uno. Dos. (POOF!)" And with that, he vanished without a tres. |
What's the tallest building in the United States?
The Library of Congress because it has the most stories. |
Whoever invented knock-knock jokes should get a no-bell prize. | ||
A husband and wife were at a party chatting with
some friends when the subject of marriage counseling came up. "Oh, we'll never need that. My husband and I have a great relationship," the wife explained. "He was a communications major in college and I majored in theater arts." "He communicates real well and I act like I'm listening." |
Howard dragged himself into his doctor's office one day looking very
exhausted. "Doctor Kane," he said, "there are dogs all over my
neighborhood. They bark all day and all night, and I can't get a
wink of sleep!"
"I have good news for you, Howard," Doctor Kane said, rummaging through a drawer full of sample medications. "Here are some new sleeping pills that were just approved. They work like a dream. Just a few of these and your troubles will be over." "Great," said Howard, "I'll try anything. Let's give it a shot." Dr. Kane gave him the pills. Howard thanked him and left. Two weeks later, Howard came back to Dr. Kane's office looking worse than ever. "Doc, your plan is no good. I'm more tired than ever!" Howard exclaimed. "I don't understand how that could be," said Dr. Kane, shaking his head. "Those are the strongest pills on the market!" "That may be true," answered Howard wearily, "but I'm still up all night chasing those dogs and when I finally catch one, it's really hard getting him to swallow the pill!" |
Zorro's Word of the Week |
Pronunciation: \ee-OH-lee-un\
Definition of EOLIAN
borne, deposited, produced, or eroded by the wind
The park is known for its eolian caves—chambers formed in
sandstone cliffs by powerful winds.
"Basaltic minerals in the mudstone are similar to those in nearby eolian
— D. T. Vaniman et al., Science, December 9, 2013
When Aeolus blew into town, things really got moving. He was the Greek god of the winds and the
king of the floating island of Aeolia. In The Odyssey, Homer claims Aeolus helped Odysseus by
giving him a favorable wind. Aeolus also gave English speakers a few terms based on his name, including
today's adjective eolian (also spelled aeolian), which is often used for wind-sculpted geological
features such as caves and dunes, and aeolian harp, an instrument that makes
music when the wind blows across its strings.
VacaShopping for Father's Day
Wouldn't Dad love a new Vaca shirt, hat or other gift?
VacaDude’s creations are sure to be treasured gifts for those special people in your lives.
Check them all out at VacaDude's CafePress store! Support our beloved
Eric has discontinued the sales of all his books and merchandise.
of that and want one, let DotRot know
and she'll do what she can to make it available to you.