Hi, VacaVriends!
DotRot standing in (temporarily) for GentleDoe with your VacaNews & announcements!
There are many updates all throughout the newsletter, so be sure to read all the way to the end!
I issued a challenge. I got a few responses and they’ll be appearing in the coming weeks (a few are included today). I’d still like more chatter news and other items you think will interest other chatters.
This is a slightly abbreviated version of the newsletter. I've included fewer pictures and animations in an effort to lessen the size of the file. I hope this will cause fewer disturbances with some servers.
If you want to view the chat or video in pop-out screens, use these links:
Video: http://www.ustream.tv/channel-popup/vacadude
Chat: http://www.ustream.tv/channel-room/3506056
Today!!! Sunday, March 30, 2014
Time: 3 PM PST/6 PM PST
No Story Writing. We’ll write again on April 6.
Time: 6 PM PST/9 PM EDT
No VacaChat Broadcast. The chat room will be open at 6:00 PDT (9:00 EDT—8:00 CDT).
Upcoming!!! Sunday, April 6, 2014
Time: 3 PM PST/6 PM PST
Story Time. Join us to write a new story. The title will be “Pelicans to the Rescue!”
Time 6:00 PM PDT/9:00 PM EDT
VacaChat Broadcast. Join us for an entertaining, educational, enlightening, energizing, entriguing and envigorating time. (Okay, those last two really start with an I, but what they heck? They fit!)
A Word from the Dude
Hello Vriends,
Happy Sunday to you all! I just took a walk outside (okay, nothing that exciting--I was emptying the trash), and it is cool, breezy, lots of fluffy white clouds--an absolutely gorgeous day. We are currently between storms, and I cannot tell you how happy I am to be able to say that. Every drop of rain is most welcome, as we are coming off a bone-dry "rainy season". We will still probably be on water restrictions come summertime, but with every storm that dumps in the Sierras, it makes it just that much better.
I wanted to make a couple of announcements and updates. First off, remember that next week is the first Sunday of April, so I will be broadcasting at 6pm PDT. Come on by that afternoon and help write a story, so that Zorro can come in during the broadcast and read it for "StoryTime!"
Now to update on the DVDs...according to the FedEx tracker, the new DVD Burner is awaiting my pick-up at my Berkeley address. I will be going down to the Bay Area on Wednesday for a job, so I hope to pick it up then. I have been working on the menus and links for the DVD itself, and gathering the assets and such. So I should be ready to start cranking out DVDs by next weekend. It is looking like a busy week, but I'll keep squeezing some time in there.
I was hoping to send everything out for free, as this is meant to show my appreciation for your generosity over the years, but I have received enough requests for discs that the shipping costs are going to add up to a fair chunk of change. So what I've decided to do is this. In the coming day I'm going to be sending return e-mails to all who have requested discs, and that will confirm that I got your request and that you can expect to receive your disc soon. I will include in this e-mail both my PayPal info and a shipping address for those who would rather send a check. I am suggesting a $7 contribution, which is strictly voluntary...and that should cover the cost of shipping and the disc materials. I do this because many have asked how to help pay for shipping and such, and I greatly appreciate that. However, you will receive your disc whether you add a contribution or not. I am just looking forward to being able to show how much I appreciate you all!
It should be a fun disc--I am trying to squeeze a little bit of everything in there, including some Google Earth tour, some of Zorro's videos, some slide shows, and of course--the "Night Owl" and "Aubade" music videos.
And now, a bit of a pre-announcement. Dot has come up with a really cool idea, and we have been kicking some ideas around, so look for some changes in this newsletter in the coming weeks! Some folks have been having problems with the big e-mail size, so we're looking at a way to provide something that is less taxing on your 'puters, but which will provide even more fun content. So stay tuned! (I'll talk more about it in next week's broadcast.)
So anyway, another busy week awaits me, which means I should probably get to my Sunday to-do list. Have a great weekend, Everbuddy!
Cheers, VacaDude
Vaca Video DVD
As the Dude said above, if you want one of his DVDs (and who wouldn't?) email him soon so he knows how many to make. If you are interested, please email him soon at John@vacadude.com.
Dot's Video Picks of the Week
Alarm Clocks
A Journey of Remembrance
Whatever you do—Don’t Laugh!!
Animal Crackers
One Phrase Leads to Another
One Doggone Good Sanctuary
Inspiration – or things to make you think
Visit Over 500 Major Cities in the World!
Being Rich
30 Nice Things
Ask Smithsonian: Is Fire a Solid, Liquid or Gas?
Ask Smithsonian: What Happens to Your Body in Space Without a Spacesuit?
Just for the Fun of It
Owl Postcard
Owl Earrings
Wise Owl Purse
A Hoot and A Holler Necklace
Make Your Own Zorro
Owl Blanket for a Baby Bird
Some Fun Animations and Pictures
(Will return in a week or two when newsletter changes take place)
VacaChatter News
Looking for NEW news to include here! Please share!
Ann Savage shares with us this wonderful news: “My latest news is that we have a new grandbaby on the way [due mid August], and the doctor thinks it's a girl! She'll be our third grandchild, joining cousins Lucas, 13, and Adrian, 3. :)” Congratulations to Ann and her family.
Elsalynda's latest column entitled Nature in the City: Waltham Winter, Interrupted,is available online here:
Elsa has other good news! We’ll let her tell it. “Good news!!!!!!!! Two poems i sent to a photo and essay/ poetry book on our Mount Auburn Cemetary in Watertown and Cambridge MA (a very famous place) were accepted!!! This is a huge breakthrough for me. I think it will look like a coffee table book but not sure! yayyyyyyyyyyyy!!!"
Sharoot send us these fun pictures with this explanation:
“This yellow rumped warbler is enjoying the snack meant for our Baltimore oriole . . . YUM! My favorite! Grape jelly!"
CC’s in the News! (Sort of)
One of the local news stations did a feature story on CC’s Karate program. It’s a wonderful piece. If you watch carefully, every so often you can see CC flitting in and out of the background as she works with the younger students (white uniform, blue belt, and long dark ponytail). You can read the article and watch the video here:
Another of the local news stations did a feature:
You can read more about CC’s karate program, her amazing Sensei and see more pictures and videos at:
We'd love to include more news of VacaChatters. If you have something you'd like to share (something about you or your family) or if you know of exciting news about another chatter that they're just too shy to share, please send it to us! (We won’t run it without that chatter’s permission, however.)
Prayer Requests
Caboval is in need of our prayers for her dog, Joey. You can read more about Joey and his struggles here: http://gfwd.at/1n8NU0h.
UPDATE on Joey! Caboval writes: “Joey is in remission but the chemo almost killed him. He was in liver failure and the Dr gave him a 50/50 chance to live. He made it through that and we have had 3 really good weeks. He was so happy and acting like a puppy, but now he is starting to not eat again and he vomited today so I don't know..... Its a rollercoaster. I have a feeling he is having liver issues again. I do really need those prayers!!!”
DotRot is requesting prayer for her brother’s family. Her sister-in-law’s mother is in the final stages of Alzheimer’s and is now living with Dot’s brother and his wife so they can provide full-time care. Her time is now very limited—probably less than a week.
Dot’s nephew Mark, got his final pathology report back. His tumor was 98% Grade II and 2% Grade III. This means a THIRD round of chemo and possibly another round of radiation (if he’s not reached his limit). He is home and doing well. Please pray for Mark and his family. (He has two small children.)
Dot’s 71 year old Aunt Judy is doing well and recovering from a broken shoulder.
We got TERRIFIC news from Sewla!! Despite her doctors’ pessimistic and fatalistic prognostications, her kidneys are IMPROVING! She saw her nephrologist this week, and the tests performed this week still show an increase of 5% in the vital numbers! All her doctor had to say was, “You continue to amaze me!”
Elsalynda is also in need of prayers. She is asking for prayers for good care and caring from my primary care physician. She writes: “He was very impuslive and angry, almost abusive when I called in need of help. We have a huge shortage of PCP's here, hence almost impossible to change. He was obstructing my care.” Keep Elsa and her doctor in your prayers.
Update on GentleDoe. Doe says her father is recovering. Initially, the doctors told them that they foresaw good chances for a full recovery. Doe says she’s not heard anything more to the contrary. He has moved to a rehab facility. Doe is trying desperately to juggle being with her mother and yet also caring for her birds and other animals. She especially needs prayers about the financial situation and some rather difficult family dynamics. With no transportation and having to rely on others for rides, this has been very difficult for her. The whole family is still in need of our prayers.
Remember Jes, and her furkid, Miss Jonesy. Both of them are battling health issues and undergoing various tests and procedures. Let's keep both of them in our prayers.
Shari in Memphis has requested prayer for her health. She has had eye surgery and is gradually recovering. (Does anyone have any updated information on Shari?)
Thank you for your prayers & good thoughts for owl our wonderful VacaFamily members! Any updates are appreciated.
Recipes of the Week
During a recent broadcast, chatters requested that I begin including some of our favorite recipes each week. Today I give you our favorite meatloaf recipe and a side dish to go with it.
Crock Pot Meatloaf
2 beaten eggs
¾ cup milk
⅔ cup seasoned bread crumbs
1 teaspoon salt
1 diced onion
2-3 cloves of garlic, minced
½ teaspoon ground sage
1½ pounds ground beef
1 cup shredded cheese
¼ cup Ketchup
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 teaspoon dry mustard
¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg
Mix together eggs, milk, bread crumbs, salt, onions, garlic, sage and beef. Mix well.
Place half of the meat in the slow cooker. Spread evenly. Top with the shredded cheese (leaving the outer edges uncovered). Top with remaining meat mixture. Press down to seal the edges around the cheese. Form into a loaf shape.
Cook on low 5-6 hours (Longer is OK.)
Pour sauce over meat in the last 15 minutes on high.
Zucchini and Potato Fritters
4 eggs
2 garlic cloves (or 2 teaspoons minced garlic)
1 teaspoon salt
3 cups zucchini, grated
3 cups potatoes, grated
½ cup parmesan cheese, grated
1 cup flour, approx.
1½ teaspoons baking powder
Beat the eggs. Crush the garlic and add to the eggs with the salt. Mix again.
Drain the zucchini and potatoes well. Pat dry with paper towels.
Add the firmly packed grated zucchini, potatoes and cheese to the egg mixture then stir in enough flour to make a batter consistency.
Drop batter into hot oil to make small fritters. Turn over when golden brown.
Serve with yogurt cucumber mint sauce or any relish, chutney or tomato sauce.
Serves 4 main servings.
Recommended Watching
Twin Pandas at Zoo Atlanta
GaSunshine sends us this one:
If you go to Cub Confidential (on that page) and sign up, the keepers send updates and answer questions about the pandas.
San Diego Safari Park and Zoo
Jes shares this with us.
The Safari Park had a baby gorilla. He was delivered by Caesarian and is doing ok. Just met her mother for the first time but still living in the nursery with 24 hr. nurses.
No name yet but perhaps they will have voting on the web site. Has been on the national news this past week.
On Monday, the 24th, the Safari Park finally gave the new baby back to her mother. She sniffed it and took her to her breast right off. It was 13 days without the baby and she didn't reject it and could still feed it.
There doesn't seem to be a live cam, but you can read more about it here: http://blogs.sandiegozoo.org/2014/03/24/san-diego-zoo-safari-parks-baby-gorilla-together-with-mother/
Other cams and videos can be found here: http://zoo.sandiegozoo.org/video-more
San Diego Panda Cams
Jes sends us this update on the pandas.
“Our baby panda at the zoo is no longer a baby. He has been separated from his mother now. There is a blog about how they go about doing it with the least amount of stress for both of them. They do live alone all their lives which is sad to most of us but they prefer it that way.”
You can view live videos of mom and the baby, as well as older siblings, by going to
www.sandiegozoo.org (click on live cams)
You can also read more of the news about the pandas on the Zoo's blogs:
Other Nature Cams
Jes send us news of more owl boxes. These are owl boxes set up by the Port of Stockton - helps with rodent control. There is one solar powered camera active now - mom with 8 eggs. Dad brings in a "morsel" for her every evening. There will be additional cameras going live soon and they are on 24/7. They say that if you turn the volume up you might hear them "talking" to each other. As we all know, owls mate for life and enjoy a family type of life - affectionate and cuddle together. They have 15 boxes erected and 11 are occupied by owls. Each nesting box is good for 3,000 mice or rats!
View them here: http://www.portofstockton.com/owl-cams
Barn Owls on Martha’s Vineyard
Ketaki shares with us a new barn owl cam, sponsored by Audubon.
African Black Eagle
The eaglet has fledged. There is a video of her first take-off.
Ostrich Chicks!
The cam and chat are offline for now, but the family does plan to continue trying to hatch eggs. I will update when information is available.
Rare Endangered Sumatran Tiger Cubs
Katmai National Park Alaska bears
PPO (Potted Plant Owl) in South Africa
Tracy and Allan have posted that they are too committed to other activities and are not going to broadcast via webcam this season. They say they will post news on the FaceBook page. It is public so even non-FB members can view it.
Multi-Critter Site with Chat
A site for those who love animals of all kinds. This site was put together by MNTodd, a chatter and mod at Max's Schnauzer site. It includes LOTS of various animal sites and a chat. (Thanks, Nancy, for reminding me to include this.)
Kansas City Peregrines
The project to restore falcons to the Kansas City area has been very successful. There are nesting peregrines atop a tall office building in downtown Kansas City!!
You can watch them here:
You can read the history of the project here:
Other Nesting Peregrines
From Australia
amb shares with us the news of some nesting Peregrines. Here are a some links:
Blog:–(lot's of articles about the Pitt Peregrines)
rfalconcam: Anyone have an update here?
Harrisburg peregrines (twoclubs’ favorite): 4 hatches
Mrs. Tiger is back, with THREE owlets and the stream is live again at:
Barn Owls in Minden Nevada
(off-air for now, but will return)
CC's Favorites
ChatterChopz would like to share with you a new site she is enjoying (besides the kitty cam - www.ustream.tv/ffrc and the Schnauzerville - http://livepuppycam.com). A couple who live only a mile or some from CC have many cams in their backyard featuring lots of birds, a fish pond, a waterfall, squirrels and other wildlife. Visit it at:
ChatterChopz has also been enjoying the Polar Bear cam at the Kansas City Zoo. Join us to watch the antics of Nikita and Berlin.
CC’s found a couple of new cams that she’s enjoying. The first is a litter of Great Dane puppies. Lordy! They’re funny! You can watch them at:
She also found a new channel called Watch The Birdie, a cam focused on an African Gray Parrot named Bibi. Bibi loves to talk and does so—often. There are other pets that occasionally appear on the cam, as well. You can view Bibi here:
Streaming Bird Cams
Jes has told us of a wonderful website that lists dozens and dozens for live streaming bird cams. Check it out at http://www.beakspeak.com/
An article about the puffins:
VacaDude told us of a live Puffin Cam from the Shetland Islands. You can watch here.
There are also puffin cams in Maine. You can watch them here:
and here:
MaryJo has shared with us an osprey cam as well: Missoula Montana osprey
Black Bears
Maxi tells us about a live black bear site in Ely, MN. You can view it here:
She also recommends the great horned owls, Rusty and Iris, in Houston, MN - - the two-cam site with chat is found here:
Nina, the chimp
Maxi also tells us about a new cam from the Jane Goodall Institute South Africa sharing a world-first. They are providing a live view in the night quarters where Nina, the chimp, has given birth to a baby boy chimp on January 23rd. In April 2007 Nina was confiscated from bushmeat hunters by the local authorities in South Sudan. You can view Nina and her baby here:
A page of links
DotRot also has a page with links to many different nature cams. You can check them out here:
If you find any broken or outdated links on this page, please let me know.
Check out VacaDude's blog: http://vacadude.wordpress.com/ Don't forget to send VacaDude your comments to let him know how much you appreciate him, his time & his talent!
VacaShopping for Easter
Time to fill those Easter baskets!. Doesn’t Dudley deserve a place in your Easter decorations? VacaDude’s creations are sure to be treasured gifts for those special people in your lives. Check them all out at VacaDude's CafePress store! Support our beloved artist/broadcaster/friend!
Eric has discontinued the sales of all his books and merchandise
The Molly Fans Cookbook was also offered through this website, so if you didn't get a copy of that and want one, let DotRot know and she'll do what she can to make it available to you.
DotRot for GentleDoe